Lewisburg Journal from Lewisburg, Pennsylvania (2024)


A Man's Knee. At the reception given to Dr. John Watson in Syracuse two Scotchmen, in highland costume, presented themselves. As the day was cold, many of the other guests expressed the fear that they wonld suffer discomfort from their bare legs. Bearing this, one of the Scotchmen langbed and said "Do yon know that a man's knee is like a dog's nose? It is bound to be cold anyway.

That is a faot, and swathing the knee in flannels Mid trousers doesn't make the body a bit warmer." A Reflection on Her Age. "That prim Miss Passay is mad nough to bite me. "What's the matter?" "Why, she has just joined the new society that believes that human impressions are mainly derived through the sense of smell. "Well?" "Well, I suggested that she was a scentenarian. Cleveland Plain Deal- The Canary islands have a peculiar plant known as the fountain tree, which contains receptacles for the collection of rain.

Several gallons of water are often found in one of these natural pitchers. The mosquitoes found in swamps and damp woods are generally more brilliantly colored than those varieties whioh frequent human habitations. Cleveland, Ohio, BUFFALO MILL NG COMPANY'S CELEBRATED TAGOMA FLOUR All that is said of the ORIOLE May be said of the A COMA, and a little bit more. For Sale by I. C.

Harvey, 224: Market Street, LEWISfBURG, VEJJXJL Philadelphia Division and Northern Central Railway. IN EFFECT NOV, 15, 2896. Trains Leave Montandon. EASTWARD. m.

1 rain 14 (daily except Snnday) foi Siti bury, WIlkeBbarre, Haselton, Pottavihtv Harnsbarg and intermediate etatlnne. arriving at fhlladt Ipbla at 8.00 p. New York, 0 63 B-ltimore 8.10 p. Washington 4,81 p. connecting at Philadelphia tor all pea shore points.

Through passenger coaches to Philadelphia and Baltimore, Parlor carste Philadelphia. 1.85 m. Tram 8 iflaily except Snnilay) for Buubdry, HarrlBbnrp, and intermediate stations, arriving at Philadelphia at 6.28 p. New York at 9,23 p. m.t Baltimore at a.Qf p.

Washington at p. m. Parlor car throngh to Philadelphia, and passenger coaches through to Philadelphia and Baltimore, fl.04 p. Train 12 (dally except Sunday) for Wtlkeebarre, llazleton, PottviUe, and dai for Ilarrtfsbnrg and intermediate point, arriving at Philadelphia at 11, IA New York 8.5H Baltimore at I. 40 p.

ra. Through passenger coaches to Phil 8.03 p. in, Train 6 (rially except Sandfly) for aud of1 intermediate stations, arriving at Philadelphia 4.80 a. New York at 7.38 a. ra.

Pallida sleeping cars from Harris-burg to Phila and New York. Philadelphia pas sengerscan remain iu sleeper undisturbed until 7.3o m. 1.99 a. ra. Train 4 (dally) for Stinbury, Tlania-Vorg and intermerllate arriving at Philadelphia at 6.f 2 a.

New York .3. a.m., (weekdays) 10.88 a. in. (Sunday) Baltimore a. Washington 7.40 a.

m. Through Pullman sleeping is to Philadelphia and passenger coaches to Philadelphia and Baltimore. a. to. Train lfi (daily) for Harrishnrg and intermediate stations, arriving at Philadelphia a.

m.f New York 1.13 Baltimore 85 h. m.f Washington lu'lOa. m. Through Pullman sleeping cars to Baltimore and Washington ul passenger coaches to Baltimore. WESTWARD.

IS. 37 a. m. Train 8 (dally) for Eri, DnBois CanandaUua and intermediate stations. Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo aud Niagara Fa'ls.

with through Pullman palncocar9 to EHe and Elmira and pass nger coaches to Erie and Rochester and daily except Sunday for DuBots, Tyrone and 10.00 m. Train 81 (dailv) for Lock Haven and intermediate stations, and daily except Sunday far Tyrone, Clearfield, Pittsburg and the west with through coach, to Tyrone. l.eio. m. Train (daily except SundavHor Kane, Clearfield, Pittsburg, tianan daiguajand intermediate stations, Syracuse, Roche-ter, Buffalo and Niagara Falls, with through paa- seuvur uuacnen iu nnue ana nocoeeierana parlor car to Rochester.

6.69 m. Train 1 (dally except Snnday) for rcnovu, jLimira ana in termeaiai stations. 9.48 p. m. Train 13 daily except Sunday for wjck Haven anu aauy ior wuuampori anu Intermediate stations, Through Tralrs tor Montandou from the East and South.

Train 31 leaves New York 12.15 nigut, Pbila-de Iphia 4.S0 a. Baltlmore.4.56 a. Harns-hurg S.oft a daily. Wilkesbarre 7.3') a. ta (dally except ttundav,) arriving at Moutandon 10.00 a.

m. Train 11 leaves Philadelphia 8.30 Washington 7.50 Baltimore 8.5" a. nu, Wilkesbarre 10.15 (daily except Sunday) arriving at Montandou at 1.W1 p. ih car from Philadelphia atid passenger coaches from Philadelphia and Baltimore. Train 1 leaves New York 9.00 a.

Philadel- pma iz.v p. m.f wasnin.ton iu.h a. Baltimore 12 noon. Wllke-harre 3.15 p. (daily exceptSunday) arriving at Montandou at p.

with through passenger coaches from rnuaucipuia auj Baltimore. Train 13 leaves New York at 2.00p,m., Philadelphia 4.3-1 p. week davs, 43u p. in. (Sunuay; Washington 3.4U ra.

Baltimore 4.4 u. m. daily arriving at Mooiandon 9 45 p. m. Through panor car aud pasfeuger coaches from Philadelphia, Train 3 leaves New York at 8.ou p.

Philadelphia 11, A p. Washington 10.4U p. m. tsui-timoio 11.60 p. m.

(daily; a raving atMouiandon at 5.37 a. iu. Paesencr coaches from Philadelphia and Bal-timoie, and Pullman sleeping cars from Phila. Washington aud Baltimore LEHISBUKG aud TYRONE R. K.

Daily except Sunday. trsrlgattng the Ocean Among Thotuand of Whatever may be said and much can be of the beauties of the Alaskan coast, it is not inviting to the seafaring man, and especially the master who isHaking a ship by the inside route from Paget sound to Sitka or Juneau for the first time, a feat, so it is claimed, impossible of accomplishment by a continuous voyage save tbrongb the assistance of a good pilot This passageway formed by the mainland coasts of British Columbia and Alaska and a chain of islands ranging in length from 5 to 250 miles is from 100 yards to several miles in width. The channels proper are of unusual depth. In places from 800 to 400 fathoms of water are frequently found. From the smooth, glassy surface ledges and reefs, assassins of the sea, lurk, ready to send some ship, humanity laden, to the bottom.

In these waters the lead is supplanted by whistle echoes 'from the land, this being the only method during a fog. by which the captain or pilot guides his vessel along a safe way. Old sea captains say there is no water coarse in the world where in unfavorable weather such skill is required as to guide a ship via the channels on a voyage from the sonnd and return, the round trip to Sitka being more than half the distance of the voyage across the Atlantic. The Paoiflo Coast Steamship company's vessels running to Alaska are always manned with two pilots each in the winter and spring and are never without one pilot. With at least two of this company's vessels now running to Alaska the captains themselves served an apprenticeship of many years at piloting.

The outside passage, the one by the open ocean, is seldom used, on account of the unfavorable winds which prevail for a distance of over 50 miles out to sea, rendering a vessel's progress much slower, to say nothing of the danger of Bhips being caught in a gale and driven ashore. With the danger from wreck almost eliminated by the employment of professional pilots, the inside passage is rendered a most delightful voyage, as it abounds in beautiful scenery and is free from A True Maxim. Nothing succeeds like success, is a maxim well applied to Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, for this famous remedy succeeds in curing every case of croup, cough and cold which it undertakes, and to this alone is due its wonderful popularity. Mrs.

E. W. Richards, 2214 E. Cumberland Philadelphia, staler "I have had Dr. Bull's CougU Syrup on my bureau for the last nine years, and have found it a certain and safe cure for croup.

I have also found it efficaciouij in extreme mem braneous croup, and would advise all mothers to use it." Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup costs only 25 cents, and you should bear in mind, thnt substitutes simply benefit the dealer's purse. In-t on setting Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Sold by, Harry K.

Hoffman, 420 Market St. Wbat Rules the World. Many years ago John Brougham, Lester Wallack, Artemus Ward and oth ers used to meet after the play at Windhurst's, in Park row. One night the question, "What rules tho arose, and various opinions were ex pressed. William Ross Wallace, who was present, retired before long, and some time later called Thomas J.

Leigh from the room and handed to him a poem which he had just writton. Mr. Leigh read it aloud to the company, and Mr. Brougham made a happy littlo speech of acknowledgment. The thing was entitled "What Rules tho World," and the first stanza ran They say that man is mighty, He governs land and sua, Eo wields a mighty scepter O'er lesser powers thut he.

But a mightier power and stronger Man from his throne has hurled, And the hand that rocks the cradle Is the hand that rules the world. Kato Louise Roberts iu Critic. A Strong Room. At Eltham, the late Colonel North's seat, there is said to be one of the strongest of strong rooms in the world. Not only were his gold and silver ware stored here, but special arrangements were made for the security of the jewels of lady visitors during the nights of their stay.

The strong room is floored with cement many feet thick aud walled all round with mighty blocks of granite. Weighing Living Fish. A visitor at the aquarium who had wondered how they managed to get the weight of a live fish learned that that was really a very simple thing to do. The fish is put into a pail of water, which is weighed with the fish in it. Then the fish is taken out and pail and water are weighed without it.

Hew York Sun. Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping-Cough, Consumption and all Lung Diseases. People stand by Downs' Elixir because It cures ana nas curea ior EivtT.fiTA vears. This is the I strongest possible endorsem*nt of i its merits. Price 25c.

60c. and I 91.00 per bottle. At Druggists. Henry, Johnson lord. Props Burlington, Vt From the Leader, In a large, commodious house at No.

104 Huntington Street, Cleveland, Ohio, lives Mm. Emily A. Strope, widow of the late X. M. Strope, and she is the mother of a young man who has been, and is now one of this city's successful and energetic pharmacists.

Mrs. Strope, who has lately recovered from serious cardiao difficulty; when questioned by a reporter regarding her late illness, stated as follows: "Two years ago, I had my first experience with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. For a long time I was troubled with an ailment which I feared would eventually drive me crazy unless I rid myself of it. It will sound strange, no doubt, to some, but my heart did not beat as it should.

Its action was irregular. There would be two pulsations, or perhaps three, and then a sudden cessation. My heart seemed to rest for the period of one or two beats, and then resume its action. Sometimes such lapses would not be so frequent as that, but scarcely a day passed that they did not occur. It felt as though something would strike the heart with great force, and push it out of place.

'During that period, whenever I lay down to sleep or rest, my hands would become perfectly numb and helpless. I could feel the temporary paralysis coming over them, but I could do nothing which would prevent it. My feet were affected in a like manner, and I had considerabledifficulty inwalkinq when such a spell had possession of me. Naturally that state of affairs completely upset my nerves, and any one whose nervous system is well nigh Keason In the Lower Animals. Wo have a fox terrier whose happiness was complete until Dodgerfield came.

She is very affectionate, consequently very jealous. If looks and grow 1m would kill, Dodgerfield would dio many times a day. Both dogs eat from tho same plate, bnt not at the same time. One day last week we fed Dodgerfield first The fox terrier was very hungry and begged hard for first dinner. Dodger seemed to eat more slowly than usual, and Nettie watched dolefully.

Finally hunger got the better of her honesty, and she barked sharply three short barks. Dodger left his plate and sprang to the window, looking excitedly up and down the road. Nettie looked ueithor to the right nor the left, but made straight for the plate of food as soon as Dodger's back was turned. If this was not an exhibition of reason and iuman intelligence, then mankind in general possesses a largo degree of animal "instinct. Dog Fancier.

Ituckleti's An ilea SAlve. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, alt Rheum-Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded Price 2i cents per box. For sale by Ileistrs Pharmacy. Immigration From Sweden.

Swedish emigration is slowly increasing. Tho total number of emigrants for the three-quarters of the year is 11,618. In 185 the emigration was 10,781, and in 1804, 7,047, against 30,000 during the years 1892, and 1803 respectively. In connection with the Swedish emigration to the! United States tho report of tho Swedish postmaster general, just published, is interesting. For the year 1805 $1,311,920 was received in money orders from the United States, while $277,810 was sent from Sweden, leaving a balance in favor of Sweden of $1,034,010.

Probably an equal amount was sent to Sweden through the banks and emigrant agencies. Do You Dance To-Night? Shake into your shoes Allen's Fnot Ease, a powder that makes tight or new shoes easy. Cures Corns, Chilblains and Sweating Feet. At druggists and Shoe Stores 2c. samples free.

Address Allen Olmsted, Leltoy, X. Just J.Ike a Stater. Sho blushed prettily as she told the sister of her best young man thut she thought she would buy a birthduy present for him. "You know him better than I do," she said, "so I came to you for advice. "Yes," said the Bister inquiringly.

"Oh, yes, indeed! What would you advise me to get?" "Oh, I don't know!" replied the sister carelessly. "I could only adviso you in general terms. From what I know of him, however, he will appreciate something that can bo easily pawned better than something that cannot." Pearson's Weekly. English Spavin Liniment removes nil Haul. Soft or Calloused Lumps mid Hlemi.slies from horses, Blood Spavins.

Curbs. Splints, Sweeney, Iiing-Bone, Sinles, Sprains, all Swollen Throats, Soughs, etc. S.ive $00 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Bl.inisli Cure ever known. Sold by WoLl-'K, Dniggest Lewihliiiig.

'a. Nature's Windows-Nothing hitherto was ever stranded, cast aside but all, were it only a withered leaf, works together with all, is borne forward ou tho bottomless, flood of action and lives through perpetual metamorphoses. The withered leaf is not dead aud lost; there are forces iu it and around if, though working in inverse order, else how could it rot? Despise not the rag from which man makes paper or the litter from which the earth make3 corn. Rightly viewed, no meanest object is insignificant; all objects are as windows, through which the philosophic eye looks into infinitude itself. Thomas Carlyle.

shattered, can appreciate and understand fhs misery, chiefly mental, which I endured. I lost much sleep and rest, and often I was compelled from sheer exhaustion to sit down during the day to obtain some repose. But as soon as I aid so I felt that numb sensation come over my hands and feet, and I rocked violently in my chair to drive it away, but frequently to no avail. One day my son, who was keeping a drug store at the time, brought me home some of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People and advised me to take them for my heart trouble.

I did so and soon began to feel better. I used the pills about two months and they certainly cured me, for now my heart beats regularly and all numbness has disappeared and my circulation is in splendid order." We print the above hoping Mrs. Strope's eiperienee may be beneficial to others who may suffer from derangement of the heart. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain in a condensed form all the elements necessary to givo new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves.

They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppressions, irregularities and all forms of weakness. In men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork or excesses of whatever nature. Pink Pills are sold in boxes (never in loose bulk) at 50c. a box or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all druggists, or direct by mail from Dt. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady, N.

Y. The Songs oi tue Kavajoes. With the phonograph we may note down what is exactly the musical sequence in original songs. In "The Land of Sunshine" is an article entitled "Songs of the Navajoes," and there are notes of the music, as recorded on the phonographic- cylinders, accurately scored. Mr.

John Comfort Fillmore writes From the standpoint of the scientific student of folk song, all these Navajo songs which I have- had the opportunity to study are extremely interesting. This interest, too, is of several different kinds. TbeNavajoes, like all other makers of folk music, use their songs as a medium of poetio and emotional expression, and it is very interesting to note the quality of melody they employ for this purpose. One may note the range and kind of intervals, the kind of rhythm and meter and the quality of tone which these people find appropriate to the expression of certain ideas and feelings in song. A comparison of the Navajo songs in these particulars with the corresponding songs of other tribes and races would be a most interesting ethnological study, especially as the innermost life of all our aboriginal tribes-is embodied in their music.

So far as I know, all their prayers and expressions of religions feeling find outlet in song. So do all the deeper social emotions, and the historical records of the tribes, the traditions of noble deeds, the memories of good and bad fortunes received at the hands of the gods, all are recorded and handed down in the songs of tho various societies. Try Grain-0 Try Grain-0 Ask your Grocer today to show you a package of GRAIN-O, the new food drink that takes the phice of coffee. The children may drink it without injury ns well as i lie adult. All who try like it.

GRAIX-O has ihat rich seal brown or Much of Java, but. it is made of pure grains, the most, delicate stoi-iuch receives it without (lisiiess. i the price of coffee. 15c. and 2-x-is.

per package. Sold by all grocers. FEATHERED DRUNKARDS. Shocking Depravity on the Part of Birds Witnessed by Andrew Lang. A queer story is told by Mr.

Andrew Lang. The incident came under his own notice and occurred under the bridge over the Iiochy, below the Ben Nevis Long John distillery. From this tale it is obvious that animals are only sober from lack of wit to obtain alcohol: "That establishment disgorges into a burn a quantity of refase, no doubt alcoholic. When we crossed the bridge in the morning to fish, the ducks from the farm opposite were bebuviug in a drunken and disorderly manner flying, beating the water, diving, spluttering and greedily devouring the stuff from the distillery. Their antics were funny, but vulgar.

By 2 o'clock we found the ducks sleeping off the effects of their debauch. We awakened them, and they all staggered eagerly to a bucket of water, from which they quenched the torments of thirst. A small sea bird behaved in still more deplorable way. Ha Blowly drifted down tho Looby from the fatal intoxicating burn, nor could pebbles judiciously thrown at him induce him to take the wing. Ho tried to dive, making efforts comic and unsuccessful.

After drifting through the bridge I regret to say that ho returned to the burn uud "took a cup of kindness yet," getting all the more intoxicated and drifting back in a yet more deplorable condition. What a lesson, we said, is this to mankind, who, after all, need not speak of their boasted reasonableness! The wild nud tame things of stream aud oceuu arc as uuwiso as we." SAVE VOIR MFE liv using "ThkXkw Ghkat -OUTI! Ameuican Kidney Cukk." This nt-A remedy is a gieal on account of its exceeding prompt in lelieving nam in the kidneys. Bladder and Hack in male or feuiaU'. It relieves retention of water, and i am in passing it aiuiost imtiifdiau-ly. Save yourselves by using tins iiiuiwloiis cure.

Its will pie-vent fatal consequences iu almost nil cases by its great alterative and healing oowers. Sold by J. Wolfe. Druggist, Lewisburg, Pa WJTWAK1 ft't'AllONts EASTWAKLl. YM.

A. SI. I A.M. P. At.

I.as 5.40 n'andon .23 1.45 Lewieburg 0.1S 4.,7 1J3 6.84 9.01 4,83 1.8 6.49 Vlcksburg 8.56 K.07 6.3,s Mitlliuouri $.17 6.f3 Mllnnont 8.33 4.16 7.0'i Oleu Iron 8.24 4.0T 2.53 7.84 Phtldy Mountain 7.IS4 8.41 8.12 7.44 Cobnrn 7.44 8.17 8-01 Hising Springs 7-a7 S.lt S.l 8.15 Centre liall 7.13 S.ui 8.37 8.21 i-ireg 7.ti7 2.ofl 8.44 8.28 r.inuen Hall 7.01 2.4$ 3.45 8.33 Oak Hall 6.53 2.43 8.53 37 Lemout 6.5! 2.3.1 4.16 9.ooliellefoute 6.30 2.1S A lucky accident fcr Rev. J. M. Stevenson, Hawthorne, X. who writes: By rare accident I was made ftcr.uair.ted with Lt.

Deane 3 pepsta Pills. They p.ct gently nmi ViUs a tharm, correct the and preventing 1 r.nbscril'e ir.Vii.-li your friciid, as y. are welcome tD me." Every one 1 the thousands of testimonial 10 he virtue of Dr. Dearie's Dyspepsia Pills enuine. They cure white wrapper if const i pa: yellow if bowels are loose.

Send for a (r sam: DR. J. A. DEANE Kingston, ft chlUClU Bdladcnna COAT "rttZSSdi R-I-P-A-N-S The modern sta ard Family Mec. cine Cures the common every-day ills of humanity.

60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. TRADE MARiC DESIGNS, COPYRIGHTS 2c. Anyone sendlntr a sketch and Ucscrintion may quickly uanertutn, frtie, whether uji Invwiitmn ih probably patentable. Communications confidential. Oldest ajrenoj fnr securing putoutd in America.

We have a Washington oftii'e. Patents taken through Muuu Co. receive special notice iu the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully illustrated, largest circulation of any scientific Journal, weekly, terms a year; $1.50 six months. Specimen copies and Hand Buok os Patents sent free. Addreaa fVlUNN 361 Broadway, New York.

A SPECIALTY. It 1 (-quires 1111 particular skill extract teeth, but when iteoniesGc CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK You want an experienced and skilled dentist. For anything special iu the line of Denial try DK. R. H.

SPEAltE, Lewisburg, Pa. Office 114 South Third St. THURSTON'S PILLS Will positively euro Conotl Prit inn nnd its attendant ill Backache, IJynpcp-tlu, HWIcoue and torpid liver. Tliey clear tho Complexion oa pive ft healtUy tone to tlio entire system. Gentle, Safo, Efficient.

Try them. By mail cent Wanted-An Idea Who can thina bonic to naitt-t? Protect your ldf-tw; thov mav brfcij 'u wealth. Write JOHX WELPEKULTKN ft Patent Atti.r. neys, Washington, I. rr their prise oilt? nd list of two hundred liivoniloua wouiod.

mm AND THE AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1.75 CASH. Dearie's i Dyspepsia NPills r. TRADE 6. F. HDDIS, Granite and MarbleWorks Market St, Lewisturgr, Pa.

Is the cheapest nnd hest ESTABLISHMENT FOK Monument and and all kinds of Cemetery Work First-class Stock and Workmanship Guaranteed. Correspondence Solicited Ordeis Promptly Filled. Miller's Planing Mill a 11 a a .1 i -U -3 1 MIFFLINBURG. PA. ENOCH MILLER, Proprietor, Architect and Builder.

Flooring, Siding, (Dears, Sash, (Blinds, Sk niters, Mouldings, 'Brackets, and every trim that pertains to the trade. Contracts taken for new buildings and plans, designs and estimates furnished on short notice and on reasonable terms. Custom Work Persons having lumber of ther own, and desiring to have it worked intc building material, or otherwise, can have it done. Caution Notice. Notice is hereby Riven that the follow, hit; goods lntve been purchased by the undersigned, from Chuuncev Poster, of the borough ot Lewisburg, nnd are now our personal property, viz 2 guy derricks, at West Milton, 2 stiff lei? derricks, at West.

Milton, 1 guy derrick, at Lewisburg, 1 horizontal encitie aud boiler, 1 Westiutjhouse engine, 1 centrifugal pump. 2 belts, 2 cralis, 1 horse power. West Milton, 1 horsepower.Lew-isburg, 1HJ()0 feet of 3-4 wire line, Lewisburg, IS double blocks, i single blocks, 14 heavy chains. 4 light chains. 3 spawl chaius, 12 crow bars, 14 hammers, 1 vice.

1 forge. 3 monkey wrenches, tool box es, 3u derrick clips, 2 Alligator wreuch-es, 2 pipe tongues, 7 pinch bars, 9 granite hammers, 3 augers, engine lixtures, 33 points, 77 chisels, 5 pitching tools, la earth picks, is shovels, a nana saws, 1 cross cut. 1 anvil, pump fixtures. coils of manila rope, 2 levels, 2 trowels, 5 grabs. The above articles have been rented by the undersigned toChauncey Foster, and all persons are hereby cautioned against interfering or medulmg witn said goods in any way or manner.

WILLIAM BROWS, I. C. Harvit, Geo- D. Bertolettk. Lewisburg, Jan.

14, 1897. Additional tiains leave Lewisburg for Mon-tandon at 5, tin a. 9.47 a. l.5, 3.45, 7.5o p. m.

Returning, leave Moutandon for Lewisbu.g at 9. 3.0, 10.05 a. 6 00 p. and p. m.

ON SUNDAYS Trains leave Montandou lo.ol m. aud o.vo p. returning leave i ew iehurg 10.03 a. m. and 6.07 p.

m. S. M. PREVO.ST. 3.

R. WOOD, General Manager. Gen'l Pass'r Agi. phila. Reading 1 RAILWAY.

OJV AND AFTER NOV. 15, 1S06 TRAINS LEAVE LEWISBURG AS FOLLOWS For Wllliamsport and Hilton, 547, 9(11 11.35 a. m. (Mlltou oulj) 1 94, 4 23, 8 39 p. nl.

Sundays 5 47, bbl a. 6 3Up. ill. For New Tork via 12.35, 8 47, 11 22 a. l.VHM SS p.

Miimlaya, 12 36 a. m. For New York via Eaetou, 1 1 2:2 a. m. For Phila.

and Reading, '2 47, 11 22 a.iu., 1 4 36 p. bunddy )2 35 a. m. For Snnbnrv and Shamokin 12 3-5, 8 47,11,22 1 21 4 33, .2 p. m.

Sundays 12 35, 11a. For Mahanoy City aud Tarcaqna 12 .85 9 47, 2 a. l'Jl 4 3 in. Sundays 35 a. m.

For PctlHville 12 33, 8 47. 11 22 a. 1 23 p.m. Sunday 12.36 a. m.

Trains for Baltimore, Washlnptou. the bouth and West, via BAUKK, leave Heading Terminal 3 20, 7 65, 26 a 3 46, 7 00, 7 27 Sundays 3 20, 7 63. 11 26 a 3 46, 7 27 In. Additional trains leave 24th and Chestnut Ms. weekdays 1 35, 6 41, 23 p.

in. Sundays 1 35, 23 p. m. TRAINS FOR LEWISBURG: Leave Willuunsport at 7 42, 10 20 a.m., 3 35 4 3o, 11 30 p. in.

Suuday Sou a. 4.3o, 11 p. m. Leave Milton 12 13.8 25, 11 00 a. 1.07 4 6 20 ii.

m. Suudaye 12 13, 8 50 0 2 p. m. Leave New York via 12 IS 4 3J 8 00 a. 1.30, 9 oo p.

m. Saucay 4 So a. 5 00 in. Leave New York via astou 4 30, 9 10 a.m., 1 30 ru. Sunday 4.30 a.

m. Leave Phila. 8 35, 10 05 a. 4 03, II 80 p. Sunday 9 05 a.

11 80 p. m. Leave Reading 1 35, 7.10 10 03, 1153 am, 6.00 m. ttundav 1 35, lu 52. a m.

Leave Pottsvllle 9 35 7.40 a 12 80. m. Sunday 33 a 2 05 m. A ave Snamokin 4 93,8 05 10.33 a m. 19 50, 3 09, 9 m.

Sunday 4 53, 8 00 a 4 45 m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia Chestnut Street Wharf and South Street Wharf tor Atlantic CUr Weekdays Kxpress 9.00 a. 2.00 4.00 5.00 p. m.

Alt om. 9,0 a. 6.30 p. m. Sundays Express.

9.O0, 10.00 m. 8.00 a. 4.45 p. m. Leave Atlantic Ctty Weekdays Ex-dress 7,83 9.00 a.

8.30, 5.30 p. m. Aecom. 8.15 a 4 82 Sunday Express, 4 Oof 80 p. 7.15 a 4.15 p.

m. rarior cars on aii jtxpresa xraiaa.

Lewisburg Journal from Lewisburg, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.