Redlands Daily Facts from Redlands, California (2024)

Legal Notices NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL AND FOB LETTERS TESTAMENTARY No. 39211 In the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of San Bernardino. In the matter of the Estate of FRANK C. ANDREWS, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the petition of EVELYN G.

HARRIS, named in the Will as EVYL1N GWENETH ANDREWS HARRIS for the Probate of Will of FRANK C. ANDREWS the above named decedent, and for the issuance of Letters Testamentary thereon to EVELYN G. HARRIS, named in the Will as EVYLIN GWENETH ANDREWS HARRIS, petitioner, reference to which is hereby made for further particulars, will be heard at 9:00 o'clock a.m., on March 27, 1970, in the court room of the Probate Department, Room 308 of the above entitled Court at the courthouse in the City of San Bernardino in the above designated county and state. Dated March 6, 1970. V.

DENNIS WARDLE, Clerk. By Edith Houghton, Deputy Clerk. WILLIAM J. CLARK, Attorney and Counselor at Law, 35249-A Yucaipa Boulevard, Yucaipa, California 92399, Attorney for Petitioner. (First Publication Mar.

13, 1970) NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 39150 Superior Court of the State of California, for the County of San Bernardino. Estate of ETHEL R. NUNES, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the creditors of the above named decedent that all persons Having claims against the said decedent are required to file them, with the necessary in the office of the clerk of the above entitled court, or to present them, with the necessary vouchers, to the undersigned at the office of Edwin R.

Hales, Attorney at Law, E. State Street, Redlands, California, which is the place of business of the undersigned in all matters pertaining to the estate of said decedent, within four months after the first publication of this notice. Dated March 10, 1970. PAUL J. NUNES and TVA E.

ALLEN, Executors of the Estate of the above named decedent. EDWIN R. HALES, Attorney at Law, E. State Street. P.

O. Box 188, Redlands, California 92373, Telephone: 793-5481. Attorney for Executors. (First publication: Mar. 13, 1970) NOTICE TO CREDITORS No.

39152 Superior Court of the State of California, for the County of San Bernardino. Estate of ROBERT T. HOYE, also known as ROBERT FRANKLIN HOYE, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the creditors of the above named decedent that all persons having claims against the said decedent are required to file them, with the necessary vouchers, in the office of the clerk of the above entitled court, or to present them, with the necessary vouchers, to the undersigned at the office of Rex W. Cranmer, 306 East State Street, Redlands, California 92373, which is the place of business of the undersigned in all matters pertaining to the estate of said decedent, within four months after the first publication of this notice.

Dated March 10, 1970. BETTY HOYE, Administratrix of the Estate of the above named decedent. REX W. CRANMER, Attorney at Law, 306 East State Street, Redlands, California 92373, Telephone: 792-3444, Attorney for Administratrix. (First publication: Mar.

13, 1970) Pat Nixon greets visitors from Whittier WASHINGTON Lady Pat Nixon greeted at the White House today a group of high school students from Whittier, a town in which she once taught in the high school. The students met Mrs. Nixon after a private tour of the White House. They are visiting Washington historical spots. It was an extra treat for the students.

Connie Stuart, the First Lady's staff director, said Mrs. Nixon likes to "come down" from the family quarters and welcome teen-age visitors. "Obviously the students from Whittier have a special meaning for her," she added. Mrs. Nixon taught typing and business courses in Whittier during the late 30s.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING REDLANDS PLANNING COMMISSION PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to Sections 65854 to 65357 inclusive of the California Government Code, the Planning Commission of the City of Redlands will hold a Public Hearing in the Council Chambers of Safety Hall in the City of Redlands at 3:00 p.m., March 24, 1970, to consider the following: Amendment to Section 46.00 of Ordinance No. 1000 adding regulations pertaining to the planting, cultivating and maintenance of citrus groves in. any zone district. Copies of the proposed amendment will be available in the Planning Department office. Anyone objecting to.

or in favor of, the above is invited to appear and show cause why the same should or should not be granted as requested. Approvals or objections may be in writing filed with the undersigned prior to said Hearing, or may be orally made at the Hearing. DATED this 13th day of. March, 1970. W.

C. SCHINDLER, Planning Director City of Redlands HUNDREDS of potential buyers everyday turn to Facts Classified Ads to satisfy their wants and needs. They want to buy or rent, sell or trade. They want to hire a helper or find a job or find a good, home for surplus pets and they turn to the Classified Section to find the ad that will fill the bill for them. Legal Notice NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE No.

1-71-69294 On Friday, April 10. 1970, at two o'clock p.m., at the. North Entrance to the County Court House, in the City of San Bernardino, California, UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK, Trustee or successor Trustee under the Deed of Trust made by Glenn-Hagen Enterprises, a partnership, and recorded August 25, 1966, in Book 6686, Page 339 of Official Records of San Bernardino County, California, given to secure an indebtedness in favor of Alexander E. Wallace, a married man, as his sole and separate property, by reason of the breach of certain obligations secured thereby, notice of which breach was recorded December 4, 1969, in Book 7347, Page 844, of said Official Records, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, payable in lawful money of the United States at the time of sale, without warranty as to title, possession or encumbrances, the interest conveyed to and now held by said Trustee under said Deed of Trust in the property situate in San Bernardino County, California, described as: That portion of Blocks 30 and 31 of Redlands Heights, as per plat recorded in Book 11 of Maps, page 16, records of said County, described as follows: Beginning on the easterly line of said Lot 31, distant thereon 463.3 feet southerly from the northeasterly corner of said lot; thence southerly along said easterly line 722.84 feet to its intersection with the northerly line of the south of Section 36, Township 1 south. Range 3 west, San Bernardino Meridian; thence westerly along said northerly line, a distance of 7.98 feet to the northeasterly line of that certain strip of land designated as "Segment No.

23" on Map entitled "Detail Map of Relinquishment" on file in Book 5, Page 69 of State High- Way Maps, in the office of the Recorder of said County; thence along the northeasterly boundary of said "Segment No. .23" as shown on pages 69 and 68 in said Book 5, through the following two (21 courses: (1) North 47' 49" west, 148.56 feet, and (2) North 39 09' 39" west, 172.98 feet, to the most northerly corner of said "Segment No. thence north 21' 48" east, 76.48 feet, to the most southerly corner of that certain strip of land designated as "Segment No. 21" on "Detail Map of on file in said Book 5, page 66 of State Highway Maps; thence along the easterly boundary of said "Segment No. 21," through the following three (3) courses: (1) North 21'.

48" east 200.00 feet; (2) North 41" 24' 39" west, 183.25 feet; and (3) North 25' 06" west, 73.71 feet, to the northerly line of that certain parcel of land described as Parcel in deed to the State of California recorded April 1, 1960, in Book 5098, Page 541, Official Records; thence along said northerly line, south 24' 00" east, 205.84 feet, to the point of beginning. EXCEPTING therefrom all minerals, oils, gases and other hydrocarbons by whatsoever name known that may be within or under said land, without, however, the right to drill, dig or mine through the surface thereof, as reserved in the deed from the State of California recorded March 11, 1964, in Book 6105? Page 766, Official Records, for the purpose of paying obligations secured by said Deed, including fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee, advances, if any, under the terms of said Deed, interest thereon, and $9,500.00 in unpaid principal of the Note secured by said Deed, with interest thereon from October 25, 1969, as in eaid Note provided. Dated: March 6. 1970. UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK, Trustee Harold S.

Bauer, Authorized Signature. 54659 Bargain Ad Prices Based On Price of Your Item CALL 793-3221 3 lines (15 words) 3 times in Daily Facts. 2 times in Facts Shoppers' Guide. Autos, Pickups, Trucks, Campers, vacation Trailers, Power Boats, Sail Boats Your Sale Price Ad Price S0-S495 FREE $1.00 Over $1,000 Auto Parts, Tires Motorcycles Bikes, Scooters Utility trailers Utility boats Boat Motors, Appliances, Furniture Miscellaneous Fruits, Vegetables Musical Instruments Your Sale Price Ad Price $0-25 FREE 91.0b Over $100 (or with no listed price.) Garage Sales $1.50 4 lines or 20 words, over 4 lines add Sc per word.) Pets (Free) FREE Pets (for sale) W.OO Items Wanted above prices appry only to private party ads and are limited to the "Bargain Spot" classification. No refunds on ads cancelled before expiration.

6 Help Wanted SERVICE STATION attendant Must be over 2L 1509 W. Redlands Blvd. CURB GIRLS IS or over. Inquire Burger Bar. 530 S.

Citrus. ISO REWAKb for white German Shepherd. 6 months old. 793-1439. FULLER BRUSH needs part-time' man or lady to service customers.

Needs car. S2.50 hour up. 792-8130, TO CLERK in liquor store. Full-time or part-time. Apply, stating qualifications, to Box Facts office.

HOUSEKEEPER Live in, nice home and working conditions, close in. Salary open. No smoking. Reply to. p.

0: Box 829, Redlands. PLANNING Your Spring Vacation? Then plan to pay for it easily by using your own spare hours to sell AVON COSMETICS in your locality. Call now COOK Also waitresses. Apply in person to Yucaipa Steak Ranch. Yucaipa turnoff, straight ahead on Frontage Rd, HELP wanted for light housekeeping, meal preparation, and care of 3 year old while mother tends to new baby.

Two weeks in April. Must have a cheerful disposition, be fond of children, and have own transportation. Call 794-3711. Stenographers To fill responsible secretarial positions for short periods of time. Good salary.

Requires experience, ood typing and shorthand skills, all TU 9-0111, Ext. 252. MEDICAL TRANSCRIBER 3 years clerical experience including 1 year in transcribing medical material. Permanent TELEPHONE OPERATORS On call work. 1 year experience re.

quired. $2.35 per hour. COUNTY PERSONNEL DEPT. 316 Mt View San Bernardino REGULAR CLASSIFIED RATES Minimum 2 lines, 5 average words to the line, 32 letters and spaces. Do not abbreviate.

1 3 Times Times 2 Lines $1.00 $1.44 3 Lines 1.00 2.16 4 Lines 1.08 2.88 5 Lines 1.35 3.60 5 Lines 1.62 4.32 7 Lines 189 5.04 8 Lines 2.16 5.75 9 Lines 2.43 6.48 10 Lines 2.70 7.20 Per month by the line 6 Times 52.64 3.96 5.28 6.60 7.92 9.24 10.56 11.88 13.20 $4.00 $12.50 AN HOUR FOR YOUR WIFE? Your wife can earn up to $12.50 in an hour taking orders from her neighbors, and relatives for Studio Girls' beautiful, Good Housekeeping approved WIGS, WIGLETS, FALLS and cosmetics! Top profit No territory restrictions. Also sell where she works. Full or spare hours. Side line O.K. Phone toll free 800-621-4005, or write Studio Girl Hollywood, Dept.

NC-205, 11461 Hart No. Hollywood, Calif. 91605, for full information and free samples by mail. No one will call on you. All replies confidential.

Phone today. Commercial Rates on Request ERRORS Where an error is made on the part of the Redlands Daily Facts, and the Facts is notified by 9 a.m. day following first insertion, correction will be made and the ad will be run properly one additional day. The Redlands Daily Facts will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. CANCELLATION Cancellations of private party ads may be made until 9 a.m.

the day of publication. If made after 9 a.m., cancellation will be made for the following day. Each, ad placed must be published one time or there will be a type setting cost of $1.00. DEADLINES Private party ads 4:30 day preceding publication. Commercial 3 p.m.

day preceding publication. 1 Lost and Found LOST 2 Dalmatian pups from 506 Judson. Reward. 792-9791. 14A Houses for Sale PRIVATE PARTY Redlands BRAEMAR APT.

2. bedroom, central air, carpets, drapes. $4,350 handles, arid pay only $103 month. Adults. 793-4087 for information.

Beaumont: IN BEAUMONT 3 bedroom, den with furnished rental. Large lot $15,900, FHA. See soon. 1051 E. 8th St Yucaipa Bargain Spot 44 Business Opportunities McMAHAN'S 5-Piece Bedroom 99.95 Recliner 89.95 Maple Rocker 14.95 Swivel Rocker 39.95 Used Mattresses or Full 19.95 Swivel Rocker 19.95 Sofa $129.55 End Tables from 9.95 Table Lamps from 5.95 Matching Chairs FREE DELIVERY 127 E.

State 793-2812 EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY Maytag Highlander Center. Located Citrus Village addition. For information call John Salisbury, 683-7712. Stanton Sales Corp. (213) 772-3576.

48 Beach-Mountain Sales LAKE ARROWHEAD lot, EZ to build on. Near Golf, Country Club. 793-4683. DELUXE, 2 bedrooms, den, 2 baths. smog.

free area. $28,500. Owner, 35S27 Rancho Rd. 797-4200. IN A QUIET neighborhood of lovely homes, nearly new 3 bedroom home.

baths, wall-to-wall carpeting over wood floors, air heating and fireplace, built-ins, including dish washer, shake roof, double garage, fenced and partially landscaped. $24,900. 12365 Birch Ct. Model Home Spanish Furniture On sale at below builder's cost Furniture includes beautiful sofa and chair, 3 Spanish lamp tables, 2 matching lamps. Spanish 9 drawer dresser, mirror, 2 nite stands, Sealy' quilted mattress and box springs with 10 year guarantee.

Octagon style 5 piece dinette set. All for only $628.90, can pay $22 per month. See at: People's Home Furnishings 218 Orange St. Redlands 5 ACRES W. Redlands, corner of Kansas and Orange Ave.

793-4009. Spot Want ables Someone WANTS that "THING" You no longer use! SKIS, Head, Master 215, Look-Nevada bindings, $100. Koflach, single, buckle, never used, $40. 1026 E. Brockton after 3:30 p.m.

FACTORY direct-seconds and irregulars, satin sheets, pillow cases, spreads, robes. Orrtex Mills, W. 6th and Veile, Beaumont. 845-1191. '37 PACKARD coupe.

Rebuilt engine, needs upholstery. $250. 792-0655. JACUZZI Whirlpool Bath Sweepstakes prize, $325 value, selling for $195. 1117 E.

Mirada San Bernardino, Phone TU 25313. LIVESTOCK 1956 PLYMOUTH 4-ooor sedan (motor shot). First $50 takes. 794-2336. $75.

'54 MERCURY, good condition, 793-6771. VW Bug; 367000 miles; $895. Bonded Motors, 416 W. Redlands Blvd. 793-6212.

AKC registered Toy Poodle puppies, born Dec. 25th. 793-1193. HORSES BOARDED, excellent riding area. N.E.

Redlands. 792-8351. FREE 2 hamsters, one male, dne female. 792-8670. '69 CHARGER special edition.

Gold with white vinyl top, air, etc, $3000 or best offer. 792-2257. 1967 FORD XL Loaded with extras, $1600 cash. 792-1405 or 793-3221, ask for Graff. AKC German Sheperd female, 3 years, beautiful, obedience trained, wilt place free to right party.

845-2588. MALE miniature Poodle, 7 months, housebroken, fluffy white, shots, papers. $35. 792-5749. '63 CHEVROLET Mon; barrel, 4 speed, excellent condition.

$495. 792-1980. '64 SCOUT 4-wheel drive, below wholesale book, 30,000 miles, $850. Bonded Motors, 416 W. Redlands Blvd.

793-6212. INSTRUMENTS 10 For Rent A 1 BEDROOM, unfurnished, stove, refrigerator. Adults. $68. 792-6574.

fTSEDROOM, $119 or $129 furnished, 715 Brodkside, No. 2. PY 3-4696. FURNISHED 1 bedroom available April 1st $100- 792-8594. FURNISHED single apartment, Street 792-2584.

Cajon 685 E. CYPRESS, near Sage's, 2 bedrooms, from $130. Call 794-3406. 1 BEDROOM, clean, garage apartment. Some furniture.

Water paid, $60. L. A. Pratt owner, 792-7915. 2 BEDROOM, modern, clean, carpeted, drapes, stove, patio, $130.

86 N. San Mateo, Apt A. 792-1657. BACHELOR, furnished, northwest cor- ner Brookside and Ash, Palmbrook. 792-3586.

2 BEDROOM, unfurnished. Adults only, no pets. Near U. of R. 1316 Sylvan Blvd.

792-3955 or 793-3026 after 6 p.m. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. Monthly rates, $50 and up, utilities included. Children welcome. 792-7585.

1122 West Palm, Apt 3. DURRELL'S APTS. 924 E. Central Ave. Furnished or unfurnished, attractive 2 bedroom, attached carport.

793-5785 794-2304 LOST 6 month old black Angus vicinity of Mt View and Redlands Blvd. Reward. 792-3559 or 792-3777. GAMBLING PROBLEM? For Information call Gamblers Anonymous, 792-9119, 24 hours. EMERGENCY COUNSELING 793-4710 Help in trouble or crisis.

Sponsored by Council of Churches Old-Time Frolics Answer to Previous Puzzle ACROSS I Playing office 5 rides 8 Competitive II Exclude 32 Shoulder (comb, form) 13 Mountain in Asia Minor county 42 New (comb, form) 43 Always (contr.) 45 Individuals 48 Ignores S3 Relies on 55 New Zealand native 56 Boundary MLightsarcasm 57 tty 0rm) 58 Natural fat 2 Personals Palmbrook Apts. 950 PALMBROOK DR. 2 bedroom; 1 bath, unfurnished. Newly decorated. Air conditioning, carpets, drapes, laundry, carport, pool, built-ins.

Adults only, no pets. Manager. Apartment 11. 792-7496. FOR bedroom, Cope-Smiley, built-ins.

$185. 793-2206. 792-1905. SOUTHSIDE 1 bedroom duplex with carport Adults. $75.

792-9111 or 792-4091 4 Employment Wanted EXPERIENCED trimming, clean-up, hauling. 793-6924. DRESSMAKING and alterations. Phone 792-6120 PAINTING Qualified work, by the hour. 792-8323.

ROTOTILLING and tree trimming. Free estimates. Phone 795-2114. TUTOR certificated, teaches all elementary subjects. 794-3809.

PAINTING A-l workmanship, reasonable. ''Bob" DeWitt. 793-3722. NEED AN EXPERT? Carpentry, masonry, cement work. Free estimates.

792-4886. LAWNS renovated, re-seeded and fertilized; shrubs and trees trimmed, topped or removed. Yard Hauling. Free estimates, 796-9655 before 2 p.m. SDA.

6 Help Wanted YOUNG man to do yard work on Saturdays. See Durrell, Saturday a.m., 924 E. Central, Apt. D. I HOUSES Fix-Up '64 Riviera.

Runs good, .2 4-barrel carburetors. Needs body work. $650. 795-5343. "62 FORD Econoline self-contained camper, AD-DC lighting system plus aluminum pop-top, radio, heater.

See at 522 Orange St DAYS. THOMAS Organ 2117 color glo, repeat percussion, transistorized. Regular $900, now $500. 825-5537. 1800 '65 Sharp, air, electric overdrive, $2200.

795-5343. '57 CHEVY 2-door station wagon. Rebuilt 283. Many extras, very clean. A-l condition.

No Sunday calls. 793-4325. AND TRUCKS '66 JEEP ton, 4-speed, 327 V-8, heavy duty tires and springs. El Dorado camper. 33,000 miles.

$1595. Bonded Motors, 416 W. Redlands Blvd. 793-6212. 1969 YAMAHA 125 Take over payments.

792-3039 BOATS Unif lite 20' Cabin Cruiser Fiberglass, ship to shore radio, sink; head, carpeting, fresh water tank, full stern enclosure, extra canvas cover, 2 gas tanks, 200 mile range. Excellent condition. Call 793-5281 2 REFRIGERATORS and an electric range. 12220 5th St, Spa. 179, Yucaipa or 799-1274.

FOR LEASE Large executive home near Country Club. Wanda Hale, Realtor, 793-2475. 6 MONTHS or 1 year lease 3 bedroom house, carpets, drapes, cooling, gas range, water paid, $120. 793-5785 or 794-2304. Rent A Refrigerator RANGE OR WASHER HARLOW'S LOMA LINDA 795 -0121 DRESSER, 2' drawers and 3 doors, $15.

792-6829. 2 ANTIQUE tables, maple hutch, chairs, dishes and miscellaneous items. 792-3591. 108 Sunridge Way FURNITURE Evenings. Sat am Sun.

until noon. 1028 Post Apartment A. 2 BEDROOM, sunroom, fenced yard, fruit trees, modern kitchen and bathroom. Close in. $110.

Call (213) 282-3232 or see Sunday at 34 Kendall St FOR LEASE 3 bedroom, baths, built-ins, carpets, fenced yard, $180 month. EARL JOHNSON, Realtor 405 E. Redlands Blvd. 792-6380 or 792-8500 WE BUY and SELL good used furni ture. Value Center Furniture, 315 W.

Redlands Blvd. 792-1111. 3 BEDROOM, IVi baths, Country Club, water paid $190 3 BEDROOM, baths, Mariposa school, water paid $185 NELSON REALTY, 793-2041, 793-5478 13 Wanted to Rent-Lease CIVIL service employee and family would like to rent or lease 3 bed. room house in Redlands. Resident of Redlands 20 years, have references.

792-9627 or- 794-1957. OVER 18 Full-time, female service station helper. Apply 10260 Mt. View, Loma Linda, noon to 4 p.m. MOTHER with heart condition desperately needs live-in housekeeper.

Salary open. 793-5589. COOK'S ASSISTANT No experience necesary. Inquire at Terracina Convalescent Hospital, 1620 W. Fern, Redlands.

or call 793-2609. 15 Curl of hair 17- games 19 Camera part 20 Greek letter 21 Native of (suffix) 23 Early Gallic tribe 26 Frivolous 31Guido'snote 32 Brushy clump 33 Fine violin 34 Flush with success 36 Part of head 38 Amusing anecdote 39 Composed of thin plates 41 Arizona garden 10 Gnaws 11 Excavate 16 Flash 18 Othello's 59 Fabulous bird eOCompasspoint feIsefriend 61 Fume 22 Slavic ruler DOWN ILima, 2 Wind instrument 3 Child of nisei parents 4 Appointment to meet 5 Cornucopia 23 Dance the Virginia 24 Girl's name 25 Lady (coll. contr.) 27 Roman theaters 28 Biblical wise men 6 Friends (Sp.) 29 And others 7 At a distance (ab.) 35 Tight 37 Sandy expanses is falling down" 41 Lubricate 44 Masculine appellation 45 Smell 46 Roman emperor 47 Heroic 49 Anglo-Saxon slave' 50 Home for doves 51 Arduous 1 journey 52 Title of X-RAY technician. 40 hour week, Monday-Friday. Excellent working conditions.

Send resume of education and experience to Box Facts Office; DIRECTOR of Nursing. Challenging position in modern convalescent hospital for RN with 5-10 years experience; interest in gaining experience in nursing personnel management. Inquire at Terracina Convalescent Hospital, 1620 W. Fem, Redlands, or call 793-2609. SALESMAN Good man for good job selling roofing jobs.

Permanent Opportunity with advancement as qualified. Salary. Commission. Experienced or. man needing training.

Phone 685-8084 or see Mr. Radcliffe, March 17, Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. ONLY. 8839 Limonite Ave. and Van Buren Riverside.

25 W. 25 31- 45 46 ft tt" 1 1 in 59 14A Houses for Sale PRIVATE PARTY Redlands 3 BEDROOMS, 2 baths, refrigerated air conditioning, clock controlled sprinklers. Cope area. $21,500. 793-5261.

346 ARROWVIEW DR. 4 bedroom, baths. All built-in kitchen, refrigeration, carpeted and draped. Extra large covered patio. $24,750.

Owner, 792-2465. CORNER IN area better homes. 3 bedroom, 2 baths, $23,750, $3750 down. $20,000, 1 year 2 years 15 N. Michigan.

KIMBERLY-COPE, 3 bedrooms, den, dining room, electric kitchen, baths, large living room with fireplace, carpeting, screened patio, very large lot. Lovely area. $28,500, 793-4366. Sales REPRESENTATIVE With The AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF SO. CALIFORNIA We seek a high caliber individual who wants a professional career- in.

Sales with a growing Co. You will be provided: 1. GUARANTEED monthly salary plus additional compensation. 2. COMPLETE training on salary.

3. ADVANCEMENT opportunit- 4. EXCELLENT Company benefits. 5. A WORK assignment near your home.

APPLY REDLANDS OFFICE 513 Palm Redlands Call Hertz, 793-3357 for appointment: Equal Opportunity Employer OWNER TRANSFERRED Play golf? Swim in heated pool? Like comfort and quality? Home completely air conditioned plus assumable mortgage in Country Club area in Redlands. Low down, owner assume second. 3 bedrooms, baths. 792-5359 or 792-5178. COUNTRY Home in Town! acre or 2 acres; custom-built house.

Heavy shake roof, hardwood floors, lathe and plaster, perimeter heating, cooling. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, large living room with fireplace, dining room with indoor grill, modern kitchen. Stable and corral; oranges and other fruits. 792-3413. OPEN HOUSE 1-5 737 WALNUT AVE.

Older 2 story and basem*nt home. 3 bedrooms, Vh baths, carpets, drapes, new kitchen with built-ins. Low taxes, over 2,000 sq. ft. Many fruit trees, 2 lots.

792-4696. A steal at $21,900. Many people find that it it not lost if they re member in time to in sert an i "Lost Ad" in classified. 55 Houses for Sale REALTORS Los Mies Homes 2 Ji'st Completed View Lots, Price $33,950 Interest Located at Center and. Henrietta and Center, and Benita Marie Crest.

Wm. C. Buster Const. Co. Phone 792-3654 Sat and Suri.

Phone 792-7065 or 793-1987 OLSON rugs, 9x12, $25 each. 8000 BTU air conditioner. 6' medium green sofa-bed. 792-6139. HOMES LOTS FARMS TRADITIONAL SERVICE FOWLER'S 210 W.

Citrus REALTORS 793-2883 50 Lots and Acreage 55 Houses for Sale REALTORS Bargain House Large 4 bedroom and family room home. ZVz baths. Walk to Smiley- Cope schools. Kitchen gas all built- ins. There is forced air heat and refrigerated cooling.

Lovely stone fireplace in living room. Carpets and drapes throughout AH this for only $30,500. Owner will consider FHA or VA financing. THOMAS REALTY 793-2797 826 Brookside AKC DALMATIANS Females, 3 months, shots. Free obedience training, class starts 30.

Banning, 849-3857. Hammond Organ 3046-3052 Spinet model, draw bar system. Regular $1,400. now $700. Call 825-5538.

KIMBALL Organ, chapel model. Ideal small church organ, stereo system, 2 speed Leslie. Regular $1300. now $1,000. Phone 825-5537.

High On A Hill Spacious four bedroom home. Large living room with fireplace, formal dining room, plush carpet Kitchen and breakfast area full width of house. Custom built heated pool, covered patio. Home beautifully landscaped with a view. $43,500 REDLANDS REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE Realtor Multiple Listing Service Evenings Grace Maloof 793-1947 Helen Little 794-3197 Roy Wick 792-3687 Rosemary Hill 792-8644 7 East Citrus Anytime 793-2825 55 Houses for Sale REALTORS COUNTRY LIVING Attractive 2 bedroom, possibly 3, on corner lot plus small grove.

Enclosed porch and nice flagstone patio. Near mountains- with view of valley below. Ideal family home. Listed at $21,000. JIM DANIEL Realtor 127 Cajon Street Evenings O.

J. Wylie A. R. Thompson George Sewell Florence Kilday Ann Kafer Dona Hinsvark John C. Boyd Ph.

793-3249 794-2456' 794-3086 792-7867 792-4093 792-9642 797-6252 792-7398 mountain view and antique notty pine interior make this two bedroom, low maintenance home ideal for young family or retiring couple. Downtown location. FHA financing $15,000 captivating Custom built that has had tender loving care. Handsome flagstone fireplace, shape living dining room. Breakfast area in cheerful, built-in kitchen.

2 spacious bedrooms, 2 baths and nice den or 3rd bedroom. Beautiful. landscaping, sprinklers and fenced yard $24,900 Redlands Daily Facts Friday, March 13, 1970 11 55 Houses for Sale REALTORS Desirable Location HERE IS A FINE CUSTOM BUILT 3 bedroom home, located in Kingsbury school area, featuring hardwood floors, forced air heating, refrigerated cooling, carpeted living room, fireplace. Any housewife would delight in the spacious built- in kitchen, with nice dining area, loads of birch cabinets and colorful ceramic tile. A fine home in excellent location for just $23,500.

Good terms can be arranged. Low On Cash? Immaculate 2 bedroom, freshly decorated home. New wall-wall carpeting in living room and hall. Separate covered patio. BUDGET PRICED at $9950.

Reasonable monthly payments. C. KOOIMAN Realtor 1024 N. Orange 792-2632 EVES: JIM VANDERHOOP 792-2938 SUMMIT AVENUE $31,950 Beautifully landscaped grounds and garden entry. All electric kitchen, living room' fireplace, 3 bedrooms, baths.

Quality mahogany lighted badminton court, breezeway and covered patio. Excellent location. REALTY 201 W. Redlands Blvd. 302 E.

State St. IS IT POSSIBLE It is possible to buy a 3 bedroom home for $12,500. Featuring spacious living room with new wall to wall carpeting and a country kitchen in Mentone. Only $12,500. T-BONE VALUE HAMBURGER PRICE All the fun Isn't just for the other fellow, you can have all these nice things too.

You're sure to like this exceptionally low priced home in a lovely southside location. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, with wood burning fireplace in living room, plus nice size family room. ALL THIS FOR $21,500. CAMPBELL KETCHERSIDE Realtors 101 South Sixth Street 793-2033 DOSS Realtors 793-3354 33 E. Vine OPEN SATURDAYS SUNDAY EVES.

CALL: Ramona Schmidt 793-3623 Bill Derby 794-2269 Edna Heath 792-3458 Phyllis Matthewson 793-1906 Laurel Hook 792-3543 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE FURNACES-SALES AND SERVICE" Ed Sampson Days 8. Eves. 794-1130 REDLANDS PAINT STORE 555 W. Redlands Blvd. 793-2488 Tune-up, Air Conditioning, Brakes REDLANDS AUTO ELECTRIC 524 Texas 792-4778 SQUARE First Class Executive Home This 5 year old immaculate home is located near Country Club and Swim Club.

3 bedrooms, '2V4 baths, formal dining room, separate utility room, paneled family room with fireplace and parquet floors. Carpets and drapes, all built-in kitchen. Beautiful landscaping, sprinklers and heated pool with decking galore, refrigerated air conditioning $43,900 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 1 West State Day or Nite 793-2841 Helen Johnson 792-6846- Perrie Upton 792-6382- -Marge Winans Lauer 793-12SS -Les Plate 792-9100 Poole 792-2197 All Chrysler, Willys, Fiat Cars Garvey Motors. 415 Orange, 793-2323 MAJOR or minor, it's BOB PILLOWS AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE, 430 Texas. Call 792-5203.

Free pick-up and delivery service! IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY! Two story Mediterranean tile beauty. 3,000 square feet, 3 large bedrooms, 2 baths, solarium, formal dining and family room, modern electric kitchen with built-in appliances. 230 E. Fern. $39,500.

Owner 792-4868. 10 For Rent HOUSES We Have Rentals Bob Parker, Realtor E. Olive 793-2914 TU 6-5101 OPEN HOUSE SAT. SUN. lto 5 p.m., March 14-15 824 LYTLE ST.

Turn east off Palm on Lytle. 3 bedroom, Vh baths, fireplace, private covered BOB PARKER REAL ESTATE 37 E. Olive 793-2914 AND WE HAVE MANY OTHERS Who Does Where You'll rind QUICK REFERENCE DIRECTORY TO BUSINESS Household and Professional Services Air Conditioning Heating TV Hardware and Appliances Burqeson's 793-3685 FOR AIR CONDITIONING AND SERVICE ELL'S 792-1849 G.E. Payne Worthington Since 1949 Service All Art Supplies if Auto Electric WIDE CHOICE, HOME, COMMERCIAL Home Electric, 296 E. Citrus if Auto Repair Bakery SPECIAL occasion cakes made to order.

Goodies baked daily. Goodie Shop. 24 E. State. 792-3811.

if Beauty Supplies Wigs Phyllis Adair COLLEGE of COSMETOLOGY, 410 Orange St. 793-2275 Carpets Vinyls Drapes English Floor Coverings 1265-C Brookside Ave. 793-3790 ir Car Washing Waxing REDLANDS 3 MINUTE CAR WASH 412 W. Redlands Blvd. Carpet Cleaning ACCURATE JANITOR SERVICE Carpets Floors Windows 792-2584 ic Cleaners, Shirt Laundry Dutch Girl Cleaners 34 W.

Colton 792 -3630 ir Commercial Printing Letterpress Offset Beacon Printery. 336 Orange CITROGRAPH PRINTING, 113 E. State LETTERPRESS OFFSET ARTHUR COMMERCIAL PRESS 112 N. Fifth St. 793-4883 if Dog Grooming PROFESSIONAL dog grooming.

Clipping, bathing. All breeds of dags. Phone 792-5016 for appointment Van Dyke Pet Store. 316 Orange. jr Draperies, Custom For 32 years Free estimates YUCAIPA DRAPERY STUDIO 12152 4th St.

Yucaipa, 797-2094 IMPERIAL HARDWARE 19 E. Citrus 793-2917 -Ar Horses ROTHENBERGER ARABIANS Stud service, horses boarded. 792 -3310 ANDERSON'S ARABIANS 793-2836 If no answer 684 -9444 if Jewelry Mfg. Repair ALDEN JEWELRY-Mfg. Repair, lot Orange, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

if Light Fixtures it Moving and Storage REDLANDS VAN STORAGE 1955 Industrial Park 792-7141 Mufflers ALSO exhausts-tail pipes. 792-4971 Guaranteed for life of your car. Royal Muffler, 601 N. Eureka. if Office Machines Furniture SERR'S OF REDLANDS 208 E.

State 792-3931 Organs Pianos SLIGER'S MUSIC 109 E. State St 793-2827 WURLITZER CONN if Painting ANGLIN POWELL, 793-4670 Painting and DecoraWng 792-5110 if Picture Framing REDLANDS PAINT STORE 555 W. Redlands Blvd. 793-24M if Plumbing SANITARY PLUMBING 1248 Wabash Redlands. 794-2131 Remodeling LET US ADD that room or remodel your kitchen or bath.

Guaranteed satisfaction, quality materials and workmanship. Easy credit Allied Bldrs. Call Bud Millard. 792-2285. if Shoe Repairing and Dyeing COLLEGE SHOE REPAIR 529 Orange St if Sporting Goods repairs.

Schwinn. Pratt 651 Citrus if Sprinkler Service COMPLETE, automatic, maintenance. Free estimates. T. Somers, 631 E.

Citrus, phone 793-4129. if Stationery Gifts Cards SERR'S OF REDLANDS 208 E. State 792-3939 if Television Sales Service it Florist Flowers for every occasion. Free Delivery. Phone 793-1331.

Redlands Hockridge Florist, 29 So. 6th St jf Florist and Candy CITY FLORIST CANDIES 111 Orange St. 793-4141 Furniture PEOPLE'S FURNITURE MS Orange St 792-3665 Furs FUR RESTYLING. 11892 California St, Yucaipa. 797-2204.

Glass 'EVERYTHING IN GLASS." Redlands Glass House, 510 Orange. 792-5623. Redlands' Zenith headquarters. Terrier TV. 508 Orange.

if Tires Sales Service Shocks Mufflers Front Ends Brakes 609 N. Eureka READING 792-9215 By Cooper Armstrong. Custom recapping. Clapp's Tire Service, 601 W. State.

Phone 793-5422. ic Upholsterers RESTYLE, Repair, Refinish. Roys Upholstery Drapery, 792-1715. if Watch -Jewelry Repairing HARRY G. WILSON, Jeweler 118 E.

State 793 -480t if Wedding Announcements ARTHUR COMMERCIAL PRESS 112 N. Fifth St 793 -4881 if Welding Chas. E. Mosso Welding Works fOl W. Stuart Ave.

7914m To Place Your Directory Ad Phone 793-3221 4.

Redlands Daily Facts from Redlands, California (2024)


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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.