Support - 11-Automatic configuration- H3C (2024)

About automatic configuration

When the device starts up without a valid next-startup configurationfile, the device searches the root directory of its default file system for, autocfg.tcl, and autocfg.cfg files. Only one of files might existin the root directory. If any one of the files exists, the device loads thefile. If none of the files exists, the device uses the automatic configurationfeature to obtain a set of configuration settings.

With the automatic configuration feature,the device can automatically obtain a set of configuration settings at startup.This feature simplifies network configuration and maintenance.

Automatic configuration can be implementedby using the implementation methods in Table 1.

Table 1 Automatic configurationimplementation methods

Implementation method

Configuration file location

Application scenarios

Server-based automatic configuration

File server

A number of geographically distributed devices need to be configured.

USB-based automatic configuration

USB disk

·On a small network, the devices reside near to each other, and no host can be used as a file server.

·On a large network, only a few devices require automatic configuration or configuration update.

Using server-based automaticconfiguration

About server-based automatic configuration

With server-based automatic configuration,a device without a configuration file can run the DHCP client to obtain aconfiguration file from a file server at startup.

You can deploy server-based automaticconfiguration on both IPv4 and IPv6 networks by using the same method. This chapterdescribes the tasks for deploying server-based automatic configuration on an IPv4network.

Typical server-based automatic configuration network

As shown in Figure 1, atypical server-based automatic configuration network consists of the followingservers:

·DHCP server—Allocates an IP address to the device that performs server-basedautomatic configuration and notifies the device of the method to obtain theconfiguration file or script file for automatic configuration.

·File server—TFTP, HTTP, SFTP, or FTP server. The file server stores theconfiguration file or script file for automatic configuration.

·(Optional.) DNS server—Obtainsthe configuration file name or the IP address of the file server for the device.

Figure 1 Server-based automaticconfiguration network diagram

Support - 11-Automatic configuration- H3C (1)

Host name file

A host name file stores mappings between hostIP addresses and host names. To configure a host name file:

1.Create a host name file. The file name mustbe network.cfg.

2.Add each mapping entry in the ip host host-nameip-address format on a separate line. For example:

ip host host1

ip host host2

ip host client1101.101.101.103

ip host client2101.101.101.104

Support - 11-Automatic configuration- H3C (2)


The host name for a device must be the same as the name of the configuration file configured for the device. For example, the name of the configuration file for the device at is host1.cfg.

Selecting the interface used forautomatic configuration

The device uses the following steps toselect the interface for automatic configuration:

1.Identifies the status of the managementEthernet interface at Layer 2. If the management Ethernet interface is up, thedevice uses that interface.

2.Identifies the status of Layer 2 Ethernetinterfaces. If one or more Layer 2 Ethernet interfaces are in up state, thedevice uses the VLAN interface of the default VLAN.

3.Sorts all Layer 3 Ethernet interfaces in upstate first in lexicographical order of interface types and then in ascendingorder of interface numbers. Uses the interface with the smallest interfacenumber among the interfaces of the first interface type.

4.If no Layer 3 Ethernet interfaces are in upstate, the device waits 30 seconds and goes to step 1 to try again.

For fast automatic device configuration,connect only the management Ethernet interface on each device to the network.

Operating mechanism

The process for server-based automaticconfiguration for a device is as follows:

1.The device selects the interface used toobtain the configuration file or script file for automatic configuration andsends an IP request message to the DHCP server. For more information about the interface selection order,see "Selecting the interface used forautomatic configuration."

2.After the DHCP server receives the IPrequest message, it sends a reply message to the device. If the device does notreceive any reply message within the timeout period of the request message, itselects the next interface according to the interface selection order and sendsthe IP request message again.

3.The device parses the reply message.

¡Obtainsthe IP address included in the reply message and uses it as the IP address forthe selected interface to connect to the DHCP server. If the interface alreadyhas an IP address assigned, the device replaces the original IP address withthe one included in the reply message. Once the automatic configuration processis complete, the device restores the original IP address to the interface.

¡Obtainsthe protocol information (HTTP, TFTP, SFTP, or FTP), configuration file nameinformation, and file server address included in the reply message.

4.If no configuration file name is obtained orthe obtained configuration file name does not meet the requirements, the deviceuses file network.cfg on the file server. If file network.cfg does not exist, the device uses file device.cfg on the file server. If file device.cfg does not exist, the device fails to obtain theconfiguration file or script file. In this case, the process returns to step 1.

5.The device resolves the domain name of thefile server. If the file server address included in the reply message is adomain name rather than an IP address, the device uses the DNS server toresolve the domain name to an IP address.

6.The device downloads the configuration fileor script file used for automatic configuration from the file server based onthe obtained protocol, file server address, and configuration file name.

7.The device deploys the configuration in theconfiguration file or executes the script file.

8.The device automatically deletes theconfiguration file or script file.

Server-based automatic configuration tasks at a glance

To configure server-based automaticconfiguration, perform the following tasks:

1.Prepare the files for automaticconfiguration:

¡Preparing configuration files

¡Preparing script files

2.Configuring the file server

3.Configuring the DHCP server

4.(Optional.) Configuring the DNS server

5.(Optional.) Configuring the gateway

6.Starting and completing automaticconfiguration

7.(Optional.) Stopping automatic configuration

Preparing configurationfiles

Configuration filetypes

The device supports the configuration filetypes listed in Table 2.

Table 2 Configuration file types

Configuration file type

Application objects

File name requirements

Supported file server types

Dedicated configuration file

Devices that require different settings

File name.cfg

For simple file name identification, use configuration file names that do not contain spaces.

·HTTP server

·TFTP server

·SFTP server

·FTP server

Common configuration file

Devices that share all or some settings

File name.cfg

For simple file name identification, use configuration file names that do not contain spaces.

·HTTP server

·TFTP server

·SFTP server

·FTP server

Default configuration file

All devices.

The file contains only common configurations that devices use to start up.


TFTP server

Identifyingrequirements for and preparing configuration files

1.Identify the requirements of the devices forconfiguration files.

2.For devices that require differentconfigurations, prepare a configuration file for each of them and save the filesto the file server.

3.For devices that share all or someconfigurations, save the common configurations to a .cfg file on the fileserver.

4.If a TFTP file server is used, you can savethe common configurations that devices use to start up to the device.cfg file on the server. The file is assigned to adevice only when the device does not have any other configuration file to use.

Preparing a host name file on the file server

If the DHCP server does not assignconfiguration file names, you can configure a host name file on the file server.The host name file contains the host name-IP address mappings of the devices tobe automatically configured. As the host name for a device is the same as thename of the configuration file configured for the device, the device can obtainthe configuration file configured for it.

Preparing script files

About this task

Script files can be used for automaticsoftware upgrade and automatic configuration.

The devices support Python scripts (.pyfiles) and Tcl scripts (.tcl files). For more information about Python and Tclscripts, see "Using Python" and "Using Tcl."

The devices support dedicated script filesand common dedicated script files. They do not support using a default scriptfile. For information about dedicated script files and common dedicated scriptfiles, see Table 2.

When script files are used, you cannot usea host name file to provide the host name-IP address mappings for devices.

Restrictions andguidelines

To use a Tcl script, make sure all commandsin the script are supported and correctly configured. Any error in a commandcauses the automatic configuration process to quit.

When you use a Python script toautomatically configure a device, make sure the script file does not containcommand line errors (such as spelling mistakes, incorrect views, andunsupported commands for the device). If the script file contains command lineerrors, the current round of automatic configuration will fail and the devicewill proceed to the next round of automatic configuration.

When you use a Python script toautomatically configure a device, the device is in the startup phase and thedevice is unstable. Therefore, do not use the Stablevalue in the display system stable state command output as the judgment condition in the Python script.


·For devices that share all or someconfigurations, create a script file that contains the common configurations.

·For the other devices, create a separate scriptfile for each of them.

Configuring the file server

For devices to obtain configurationinformation from an HTTP, TFTP, SFTP, or FTP server, start HTTP, TFTP, SFTP, orFTP service on the file server, respectively.

Configuring theDHCP server

About this task

The DHCP server assigns the following itemsto devices that need to be automatically configured:

·IP addresses.

·Paths of the configuration or script files.

Restrictions and guidelines

When you configure the DHCP server, followthese guidelines:

·For devices for which you have prepareddifferent configuration files, perform the following tasks for each of thedevices on the DHCP server:

¡Createa DHCP address pool.

¡Configurea static address binding.

¡Specifya configuration file or script file.

Because an address pool can use only oneconfiguration file, you can specify only one static address binding for anaddress pool.

·For devices for which you have prepared the sameconfiguration file, use either of the following methods:


-Create a DHCP address pool for the devices.

-Configure a static address binding for each of the devices in theaddress pool.

-Specify the configuration file for the devices.


-Create a DHCP address pool for the devices.

-Specify the subnet for dynamic allocation.

-Specify the TFTP server.

-Specify the configuration file for the devices.

·If all devices on a subnet share the sameconfiguration file or script file, perform the following tasks on the DHCPserver:

¡Configuredynamic address allocation.

¡Specifythe configuration file or script file for the devices.

The configuration file can contain onlythe common settings for the devices. You can provide a method for the deviceadministrators to change the configurations after their devices start up.

When you specify a startup configurationfile on a remote server for a DHCP client, follow these restrictions andguidelines:

·If a TFTP server is used, you must specify thefile name. If the file name contains special characters, you must transcode thespecial characters according to the RFC specification.

·If an HTTP server is used, you must specify theURL of the file in the format of http://HTTP-server-IP-address:port-number/path/file-name. If the path or file name in the URL containsspecial characters, you must transcode the special characters according to theRFC specification. If you do not specify a port number, the default port numberapplies.

·If an FTP server is used, you must specify theURL of the file in the format of ftp://username:password@FTP-server-IP-address:port-number/path/file-name. If the username, password, path, or filename in the URL contains special characters, you must transcode the specialcharacters according to the RFC specification. If you do not specify a portnumber, the default port number applies. If you do not specify a path, the rootdirectory of the server applies.

·If an SFTP server is used, you must specify theURL of the file in the format of sftp://username:password@SFTP-server-IP-address:port-number/path/file-name. If the username, password, path, or filename in the URL contains special characters, you must transcode the specialcharacters according to the RFC specification. If you do not specify a portnumber, the default port number applies. If you do not specify a path, the rootdirectory of the server applies.

Configuring theDHCP server when an HTTP file server is used

1.Enter system view.


2.Enable DHCP.

dhcp enable

By default, DHCP is disabled.

3.Create a DHCP address pool and enter itsview.

dhcp server ip-pool pool-name

4.Configure the address pool.

Choose the options to configure asneeded:

¡Specify the primary subnet for the address pool.

network network-address [ mask-length | mask mask ]

By default, no primary subnet is specified.

¡Configure a static binding.

static-bind ip-address ip-address [ mask-length | mask mask ] {client-identifier client-identifier |hardware-address hardware-address [ ethernet | token-ring ] }

By default, no static binding isconfigured.

You can configure multiple staticbindings. However, one IP address can be bound to only one client. To changethe binding for a DHCP client, you must remove the binding and reconfigure abinding.

5.Specify the URL of the configuration orscript file in HTTP format.

bootfile-name url

By default, no configuration or scriptfile URL is specified in HTTP format.

Configuring theDHCP server when a TFTP file server is used

1.Enter system view.


2.Enable DHCP.

dhcp enable

By default, DHCP is disabled.

3.Create a DHCP address pool and enter itsview.

dhcp server ip-pool pool-name

4.Configure the address pool.

Choose the options to configure asneeded:

¡Specify the primary subnet for the address pool.

network network-address [ mask-length | mask mask ]

By default, no primary subnet isspecified.

¡Configure a static binding.

static-bind ip-address ip-address [ mask-length | mask mask ] {client-identifier client-identifier |hardware-address hardware-address [ ethernet | token-ring ] }

By default, no static binding is configured.

You can configure multiple staticbindings. However, one IP address can be bound to only one client. To changethe binding for a DHCP client, you must remove the binding and reconfigure abinding.

5.Specify a TFTP server.

Choose one option as needed:

¡Specify the IP address of the TFTP server.

tftp-server ip-address ip-address

By default, no TFTP server IP address isspecified.

¡Specify the name of the TFTP server.

tftp-server domain-name domain-name

By default, no TFTP server name isspecified.

If you specify a TFTP server by its name,a DNS server is required on the network.

6.Specify the name of the configuration orscript file.

bootfile-name bootfile-name

By default, no configuration or scriptfile name is specified.

Configuring theDHCP server when an SFTP file server is used

1.Enter system view.


2.Enable DHCP.

dhcp enable

By default, DHCP is disabled.

3.Create a DHCP address pool and enter itsview.

dhcp server ip-pool pool-name

4.Configure the address pool.

Choose the options to configure asneeded:

¡Specify the primary subnet for the address pool.

network network-address [ mask-length | mask mask ]

By default, no primary subnet isspecified.

¡Configurea static binding.

static-bind ip-address ip-address [ mask-length | mask mask ] { client-identifier client-identifier | hardware-addresshardware-address [ ethernet | token-ring ] }

By default, no static binding isconfigured.

You can configure multiple staticbindings. However, one IP address can be bound to only one client. To changethe binding for a DHCP client, you must remove the binding and reconfigure abinding.

5.Specify the URL of the configuration orscript file in SFTP format.

bootfile-name url

By default, no configuration or scriptfile URL in SFTP format is specified.

Configuring theDHCP server when an FTP file server is used

1.Enter system view.


2.Enable DHCP.

dhcp enable

By default, DHCP is disabled.

3.Create a DHCP address pool and enter itsview.

dhcp server ip-pool pool-name

4.Configure the address pool.

Choose the options to configure asneeded:

¡Specify the primary subnet for the address pool.

network network-address [ mask-length | mask mask ]

By default, no primary subnet isspecified.

¡Configurea static binding.

static-bind ip-address ip-address [ mask-length | mask mask ] { client-identifier client-identifier | hardware-addresshardware-address [ ethernet | token-ring ] }

By default, no static binding isconfigured.

You can configure multiple staticbindings. However, one IP address can be bound to only one client. To changethe binding for a DHCP client, you must remove the binding and reconfigure abinding.

5.Specify the URL of the configuration orscript file in FTP format.

bootfile-name url

By default, no configuration or scriptfile URL in FTP format is specified.

Configuringthe DNS server

A DNS server is required in the followingsituations:

·Obtaining the names of configurationfiles for automatic configuration when the TFTP server does not have a hostname file—In this situation, the devices thatperform server-based automatic configuration use the DNS server to resolve theirIP addresses to their host names. Then, each device can use its host name toobtain the configuration file that has the same name as its host name from theTFTP server.

·Obtaining the IP address ofa file server—If the devices obtain the domainname of the file server from DHCP reply messages, they can use the domain nameto obtain the IP address of the file server through the DNS server.

For more information about DNS servers, seeDNS configuration in Layer 3—IP Services ConfigurationGuide.

Configuringthe gateway

If the devices to be automaticallyconfigured and the servers for automatic configuration reside in differentnetwork segments, you must perform the following tasks:

·Deploy a gateway and make sure the devices cancommunicate with the servers.

·Configure the DHCP relay agent feature on thegateway.

·Configure the UDP helper feature on the gateway.

This task is required if devices sendrequests to a TFTP server by using broadcast packets. A device uses broadcastpackets to send requests to a TFTP server in the following situations:

¡TheDHCP reply does not contain the IP address or domain name of the TFTP server.

¡The IPaddress or domain name of the TFTP server is invalid.

The UDP helper transforms a broadcast packetinto a unicast packet and forwards the unicast packet to the file server. Formore information about UDP helper, see Layer 3—IPServices Configuration Guide.

Starting andcompleting automatic configuration

1.Power on the devices to be automaticallyconfigured.

2.The devices enter the automaticconfiguration process. After a device obtains a configuration file and executesthe file successfully, the automatic configuration process ends.

3.Save the running configuration.


As a best practice, save the runningconfiguration on each device after the configuration file is executedsuccessfully on the device.

For more information about the save command, see configuration file management commands in Fundamentals Command Reference.

Stopping automatic configuration

If a device cannot obtain a configurationfile for automatic configuration, the current automatic configuration attemptfails, and the device continues attempting automatic configuration. You canwait until the device automatically ends the automatic configuration process afterit has made the maximum number of attempts. Alternatively, you can manually stopthe automatic configuration process by using shortcut keys Ctrl+C or Ctrl+D based on theprompt information. After the automatic configuration process fails and ends,the device starts up with initial settings.

Using USB-based automatic configuration

About USB-based automatic configuration

When a device enters the automaticconfiguration process after it starts up with initial settings, it firstattempts to load configuration from a USB disk. USB-based automaticconfiguration supports the following methods:

·Index file-based automatic configuration.

·Automatic configuration without an index file.

A device prefers index file-based automaticconfiguration to automatic configuration without an index file.

Configuring and using index file-basedautomatic configuration


Save an index file and configuration fileon a USB disk. When a device starts, it automatically obtains and executes theconfiguration file on the USB disk based on the index file for automaticconfiguration.

The process for index file-based automaticconfiguration for a device is as follows:

1.The device detects that a USB disk ispresent.

2.Check whether the index file named smart_config.ini exists on the USB disk.

¡Ifthe index file named smart_config.ini exists, thedevice enters step 3.

¡Ifthe index file named smart_config.ini does notexist, the device performs automatic configuration without an index file. Formore information, see "Configuring and using automaticconfiguration without an index file."

3.Check whether the format of the smart_config.iniindex file is valid.

¡Ifthe index file is valid, the device enters step 4.

¡Ifthe index file is invalid, USB-based automatic configuration fails and theautomatic configuration process ends. An error report is generated on the USBdisk.

4.The device compares the data change time flag specified in the smart_config.ini index file with the time flag of the lastUSB-based automatic configuration recorded on the device.

¡Ifthey are different, the device enters step 5.

¡Ifthey are the same, USB-based automatic configuration fails and the automaticconfiguration process ends. An error report is generated on the USB disk.

5.The device obtains the configuration file from the USB diskaccording to the description information in the smart_config.iniindex file and saves the configuration file to the default storage medium.

¡Ifthe device obtains the configuration file successfully, it enters step 6.

¡Ifthe device fails to obtain the configuration file, USB-based automaticconfiguration fails and the automatic configuration process ends. An errorreport is generated on the USB disk.

6.The device determines whether a reboot activation is required basedon the obtained configuration file or the specified activation method.

¡If areboot is not required, the device activates the files specified in the indexfile online and proceeds to step 7.

¡If areboot is required, the device sets the files specified in the index file asthe next-startup files. After a successful automatic reboot, the device proceedsto step 7.

7.After automatic configuration succeeds, the device uses theconfiguration in the configuration file obtained from the USB disk to overwritethe running configuration and sets the configuration as the next-startupconfiguration. The automatic configuration process ends.

8.Remove the USB disk from the device.


Create an index file and save it to theroot directory of the USB disk. Save the required files to the directoryspecified in the index file on the USB disk.

Creating an indexfile

The name of the index file must be smart_config.ini.

To use index file-based automaticconfiguration, you can edit the index file for USB-based automaticconfiguration on your PC as follows:

1.Create an empty .txt file.

2.Edit the file contents according to theformat of the index file for USB-based automatic configuration.

3.Save the .txt file as smart_config.ini.

4.Copy the index file named smart_config.ini to the root directory of the USB disk.

The index file format is as follows:
























Table 3shows the description for parameters in the index file.

Table 3 Description for parameters in theindex file




Required. Start flag. It cannot be modified.


Required. Global configuration start flag. It cannot be modified.


Required. Data change time flag, in string format. It can contain 1 to 16 characters, and cannot contain spaces. Recommended format: year month day.hour minute second.

For example, you can set TIMESN=20110628.080910 to represent 08:09:10 28 June 2011.

Each TIMESN value corresponds to a device that will be upgraded. During the USB-based automatic configuration process, a device records its own TIMESN value before it reboots. If a reboot is not required for the upgrade, the device records its own TIMESN value when the upgrade is complete. This TIMESN value cannot be used in the next upgrade. When some devices fail to be upgraded, you must change their TIMESN values before performing another USB-based automatic configuration.


Optional. Specifies whether to automatically delete the old software package after upgrade. Options include:


·NO—Not delete

By default, the value for the AUTODELFILE parameter is NO. If this parameter does not exist or the value for this parameter is empty or invalid, the default setting applies.

AUTODELFILE parameters include two types, global and device-specific.

·The parameters in the [GLOBAL CONFIG] area are global, and the parameters in the [DEVICE DESCRIPTION] area are device-specific.

·If this parameter is set to YES or NO for a specific device, the device-specific configuration takes effect. If this parameter is not set or is empty for a specific device, the global configuration for this parameter takes effect on the device.


Optional. Specifies whether to overwrite a configuration file on a device when a configuration file with the same name is copied from a USB disk to the device.


·NO—Not overwrite.

By default, the value for the AUTOOVERWRITEFILE parameter is YES. If this parameter does not exist or the value for this parameter is empty or invalid, the default setting applies.


Optional. Specifies the file activation method after a file is copied. Options include:

·DEFAULT—Activates a file by its own default activation method. The default activation method is rebooting devices for system software. The default activation method is online activation without rebooting devices for configuration files and patch files.

·REBOOT—Activates a file by rebooting the device.

By default, the value for the ACTIVEMODE parameter is DEFAULT. If this parameter does not exist or the value for this parameter is empty or invalid, the default setting applies.

ACTIVEMODE parameters include two types, global and device-specific.

·The parameters in the [GLOBAL CONFIG] area are global, and the parameters in the [DEVICE DESCRIPTION] area are device-specific.

·If this parameter is set to DEFAULT or REBOOT for a specific device, the device-specific configuration takes effect. If this parameter is not set or is empty for a specific device, the global configuration for this parameter takes effect on the device.


Required. Start flag for a device-specific configuration file.

Each parameter in a device-specific configuration file cannot be repeated. If a device-specific configuration file contains repeated parameters, no device can match it.

Each device can match only one device-specific configuration file. After a device matches a device-specific configuration file, it stops matching the subsequent device-specific configuration files.


Optional. Validity flag for a device-specific configuration file, which indicates whether the device configuration file is valid. Options include:


·NOK—Invalid. All information in the device-specific configuration file will not be used for device matching.

By default, the value for the OPTION parameter is OK. If this parameter does not exist or the value for this parameter is empty or invalid, the default setting applies.


Optional. Device serial number. If the value for the SN parameter is DEFAULT, the device SN will not be matched. Otherwise, the device SN will be matched.

By default, the value for the SN parameter is DEFAULT. If this parameter does not exist or the value for this parameter is empty, the default setting applies.


Optional. Device MAC address, in the format of XXXX-XXXX-XXXX, where X is a hexadecimal digit. If the value for this parameter is DEFAULT, the device MAC address will not be matched. Otherwise, the device MAC address will be matched.

By default, the value for the MAC parameter is DEFAULT. If this parameter does not exist or the value for this parameter is empty, the default setting applies.


Optional. Matches the device type, for example, S12700. If the value for the DEVICETYPE parameter is DEFAULT, the device type will not be matched. Otherwise, the device type will be matched.

By default, the value for the DEVICETYPE parameter is DEFAULT. If this parameter does not exist or the value for this parameter is empty, the default setting applies.


Optional. Directory for saving the software package and configuration file on the USB disk.

·When the value for this parameter is empty or this parameter does not exist, the software package and configuration file will be saved in the root directory of the USB disk.

·When DIRECTORY is set to /abc, the software package and configuration file will be saved in the abc directory in the USB disk.

By default, the value for the DIRECTORY parameter is empty.

The file directory format in the index file must be the same as that of the file system in the device.

·The specified directory can contain a maximum of four levels. A directory must start with a slash (/), and different levels are separated by using slashes (/). However, a directory cannot end with a slash (/). For example, /abc/test is a valid directory, and /abc/test/ is an invalid directory.

·The string in each level of a directory is 1 to 15 characters.

·A directory cannot contain spaces or the following characters: ~ * / \ : ' " < > | ? [ ] %. A directory is case insensitive.


Optional. IPE file name, which ends with .ipe.


Optional. Boot file name, which ends with .bin.


Optional. System file name, which ends with .bin.


Optional. Feature file name, which ends with .bin.


Optional. Patch file name, which ends with .bin.


Optional. Configuration file name, which ends with .cfg.


Required. End flag of the file.

Support - 11-Automatic configuration- H3C (3)


When editing an index file for USB-based automatic configuration, make sure the contents in the index file are correct. The devices to be upgraded are matched in the order of the DEVICE parameters in the index file from top to bottom. A device is matched in the following order: MAC > SN > DEVICETYPE. Once a match is found, the files in the matching DEVICE information are loaded. If an error occurs during this process, the whole USB-based automatic configuration process is terminated, and an error report is output. The configuration will not be rolled back for devices that have been upgraded successfully.

When you use an index file for automaticconfiguration, the device will confirm the files to be loaded according to theindex file as follows:

1.The device identifies whether an .ipe file is specified in the indexfile. If yes, the device confirms loading the .ipe file, skips step 2, andproceeds with 3. If not,the device skips step 1 andproceeds with step 2.

2.The device identifies whether the index file has boot, system, andfeature files specified. If yes, the specified files are loaded. The boot andsystem files are required, and the feature file is optional. After the files tobe loaded are confirmed, the device proceeds with step 3. If noboot, system, or feature file is specified in the index file, the device skipsstep 2 andproceeds with step 3.

3.The device identifies whether a patch file is specified in the indexfile. If yes, the device confirms loading the patch file, skips steps 3, andproceeds with step 4. If not,the device skips step 3 andproceeds with step 4.

4.The device identifies whether a. cfg configuration file is specifiedin the index file. If yes, the device confirms loading the .cfg configurationfile. If not, the device skips the step of loading files.

After step 4, thedevice starts loading the files to be loaded. If files fail to be loaded, theUSB-based automatic configuration process will be stopped.


·When editing an index file, you must press Enter after entering a line in the specified format and then editing new contents. After editing the index file, save the index file.

·If the keyword of a parameter is not matched or found, the parameter is considered as empty.

·When the value for a parameter in the GLOBAL CONFIG area is different from that in the DEVICE DESCRIPTION area for a matching device, the configuration in the DEVICE DESCRIPTION area takes effect on the device.


1.Enable USB-based automatic configuration onthe device:

a.Enter system view.


b.Enable USB-based automatic configuration.

autodeploy udisk enable

By default, USB-based automaticconfiguration is enabled.

For the enabling configuration to takeeffect if USB-based automatic configuration has been disabled, you must savethe configuration and reboot the device.

c.Save the running configuration.


2.Create an index file.

3.Save the index file to the root directory ofthe USB disk, and save the files specified in the index file to the specifieddirectory. By default, the directory is the root directory of the USB disk.

4.Insert the USB disk into interface USB1,namely, usba0:, on the active MPU. USB-based automatic configuration issupported only by a single MPU. After USB-based automatic configuration ends, thestandby MPU will automatically synchronize its configuration with the activeMPU at startup.

5.Observe the LEDs of the device.

If deployment of the configuration filefails, the device writes the related log messages into the log file named fully qualified configuration file name.log in the rootdirectory of the USB disk.

6.Use the display current-configuration command to verify that the configuration file has been loadedcorrectly. For more information about this command, see configuration filemanagement in Fundamentals Command Reference.

7.Remove the USB disk.

Configuringand using automatic configuration without an index file


Save a configuration file on a USB disk.When a device starts, it automatically obtains and executes the configurationfile from the USB disk for automatic configuration.

The process for USB-based automaticconfiguration without an index file is as follows:

1.The device detects that the USB disk ispresent.

2.Check whether the index file named smart_config.ini exists on the USB disk.

¡Ifthe index file named smart_config.ini exists, thedevice performs index file-based automatic configuration. For more information,see "Configuring and using index file-basedautomatic configuration."

¡Ifthe index file named smart_config.ini does notexist, proceed to step 3.

3.Manually reboot the device.

4.When the device starts up, it detectswhether a .cfg configuration file exists on the USB disk.

¡If a.cfg file exists, the device proceeds to step 5.

¡Ifno .cfg file exists, the USB-based automatic configuration process ends.

5.After the device obtains a configuration file from the USB disk, it compares the content of the configuration file with the contentof the current main next-startup configuration file on the device.

¡Ifthe contents are the same, the device directly loads the main next-startup configurationfile instead of the configuration file on the USB disk.

¡Ifthe contents are different, the device copies the configuration file on the USBdisk to the local storage medium and proceeds to step 6.

If the device has a local file that usesthe same name as the configuration file copied from the USB disk, it handlesthe local file as follows:

-If the local file is the main next-startup configuration file, thedevice saves the file as original-file-name_bak.cfg.

-If the local file is not the main next-startup configuration file,the device directly uses the configuration file copied from the USB disk tooverwrite the local file.

6.The device executes the configuration filecopied from the USB disk.

¡Ifthe execution succeeds, the device automatically runs the configuration in theconfiguration file as the running configuration and sets the configuration fileas the main next-startup configuration file.

¡If thedevice fails to execute any command in the configuration file, it ignores all settingsin the configuration file and loads settings in the original next-startupconfiguration file. If no next-startup configuration file is available, thedevice starts up with initial settings.


1.Prepare a USB disk that has only onepartition.

2.Display the serial number of the device.

display device manuinfo

For more information about this command,see device management commands in Fundamentals CommandReference.

3.Create a configuration file named device serial number.cfg orautodeploy.cfg, and save the file to the rootdirectory of the file system on the USB disk.

If a configuration file named device serial number.cfg coexists with configuration fileautodeploy.cfg, the configuration file named device serialnumber.cfg is used.


1.Enable USB-based automatic configuration onthe device:

a.Enter system view.


b.Enable USB-based automatic configuration.

autodeploy udisk enable

By default, USB-based automaticconfiguration is enabled.

For the enabling configuration to takeeffect if USB-based automatic configuration has been disabled, you must savethe configuration and reboot the device.

c.Save the running configuration.


2.Insert the USB disk with the configurationfile saved into interface USB1, namely, usba0:, on the active MPU. USB-basedautomatic configuration is supported only by a single MPU. After USB-basedautomatic configuration ends, the standby MPU will automatically synchronize itsconfiguration with the active MPU at startup.

3.Reboot the device and observe the LEDs ofthe device.

If deployment of the configuration filefails, the device writes the related log messages into the log file named fully qualified configuration file name.log in the rootdirectory of the USB disk.

4.Use the display current-configuration command to verify that the configuration file has been loadedcorrectly.

For more information about this command,see configuration file management commands in FundamentalsCommand Reference.

5.Remove the USB disk.

Server-based automatic configurationexamples

Example: Using a TFTP server for automatic configuration


As shown in Figure 2, twodepartments of a company are connected to the network through gateways (SwitchB and Switch C). Access devices Switch D, Switch E, Switch F, and Switch G donot have a configuration file.

Configure the servers and gateways so theaccess devices can obtain a configuration file to complete the followingconfiguration tasks:

·Enable administrators of access devices toTelnet to and manage their respective access devices.

·Require administrators to enter their respectiveusernames and passwords at login.

Figure 2 Network diagram

Support - 11-Automatic configuration- H3C (4)


1.Configure the DHCP server:

# Create a VLAN interface and assign anIP address to the interface.

<SwitchA> system-view

[SwitchA] vlan 2

[SwitchA-vlan2] port ten-gigabitethernet 3/0/1

[SwitchA-vlan2] quit

[SwitchA] interfacevlan-interface 2

[SwitchA-Vlan-interface2] ipaddress 24

[SwitchA-Vlan-interface2] quit

# Enable DHCP.

[SwitchA] dhcp enable

# Enable the DHCP server onVLAN-interface 2.

[SwitchA] interfacevlan-interface 2

[SwitchA-Vlan-interface2] dhcpselect server

[SwitchA-Vlan-interface2] quit

# Configure address pool market to assignIP addresses on the subnet to clients in the Marketingdepartment. Specify the TFTP server, gateway, and configuration file name forthe clients.

[SwitchA] dhcp server ip-pool market

[SwitchA-dhcp-pool-market] network192.168.2.0 24

[SwitchA-dhcp-pool-market] tftp-serverip-address


[SwitchA-dhcp-pool-market] bootfile-namemarket.cfg


# Configure address pool rd to assign IPaddresses on the subnet to clients in the R&D department.Specify the TFTP server, gateway, and configuration file name for the clients.

[SwitchA] dhcp server ip-pool rd

[SwitchA-dhcp-pool-rd] network192.168.3.0 24

[SwitchA-dhcp-pool-rd] tftp-serverip-address


[SwitchA-dhcp-pool-rd] bootfile-namerd.cfg

[SwitchA-dhcp-pool-rd] quit

# Configure static routes to the DHCPrelay agents.

[SwitchA] ip route-static

[SwitchA] ip route-static

[SwitchA] quit

2.Configure the gateway Switch B:

# Create VLAN interfaces and assign IPaddresses to the interfaces.

<SwitchB> system-view

[SwitchB] vlan 2

[SwitchB-vlan2] port ten-gigabitethernet 3/0/3

[SwitchB-vlan2] quit

[SwitchB] interfacevlan-interface 2

[SwitchB-Vlan-interface2] ipaddress 24

[SwitchB-Vlan-interface2] quit

[SwitchB] vlan 3

[SwitchB-vlan3] port ten-gigabitethernet 3/0/1

[SwitchB-vlan3] port ten-gigabitethernet 3/0/2

[SwitchB-vlan3] quit

[SwitchB] interfacevlan-interface 3

[SwitchB-Vlan-interface3] ipaddress 24

[SwitchB-Vlan-interface3] quit

# Enable DHCP.

[SwitchB] dhcp enable

# Enable the DHCP relay agent onVLAN-interface 3.

[SwitchB] interface vlan-interface3

[SwitchB-Vlan-interface3] dhcpselect relay

# Specify the DHCP server address.

[SwitchB-Vlan-interface3] dhcprelay server-address

3.Configure the gateway Switch C:

# Create VLAN interfaces and assign IPaddresses to the interfaces.

<SwitchC> system-view

[SwitchC] vlan 2

[SwitchC-vlan2] port ten-gigabitethernet 3/0/3

[SwitchC-vlan2] quit

[SwitchC] interfacevlan-interface 2

[SwitchC-Vlan-interface2] ipaddress 24

[SwitchC-Vlan-interface2] quit

[SwitchC] vlan 3

[SwitchC-vlan3] port ten-gigabitethernet 3/0/1

[SwitchC-vlan3] port ten-gigabitethernet 3/0/2

[SwitchC-vlan3] quit

[SwitchC] interfacevlan-interface 3

[SwitchC-Vlan-interface3] ipaddress 24

[SwitchC-Vlan-interface3] quit

# Enable DHCP.

[SwitchC] dhcp enable

# Enable the DHCP relay agent onVLAN-interface 3.

[SwitchC] interface vlan-interface3

[SwitchC-Vlan-interface3] dhcpselect relay

# Specify the DHCP server address.

[SwitchC-Vlan-interface3] dhcprelay server-address

4.Configure the TFTP server:

# On the TFTP server, create a configurationfile named market.cfg.


sysname Market


telnet server enable


vlan 3


local-user market

password simple build22345

service-type telnet



interface Vlan-interface3

ip address dhcp-alloc



interface ten-gigabitethernet 3/0/1

port access vlan 3



user-interface vty 0 63

authentication-mode scheme

user-role network-admin



# On the TFTP server, create a configurationfile named rd.cfg.


sysname RD


telnet server enable


vlan 3


local-user rd

password simple create22345

service-type telnet



interface Vlan-interface3

ip address dhcp-alloc



interface ten-gigabitethernet 3/0/1

port access vlan 3



user-interface vty 0 63

authentication-mode scheme

user-role network-admin



# Start TFTP service software, andspecify the folder where the two configuration files reside as the working directory.(Details not shown.)

# Verify that the TFTP server and DHCPrelay agents can reach each other. (Details not shown.)

Verifying theconfiguration

1.Power on Switch D, Switch E, Switch F, and SwitchG.

2.After the access devices start up, display assignedIP addresses on Switch A.

<SwitchA> display dhcpserver ip-in-use

IP addressClient-identifier/ Lease expiration Type

Hardwareaddress 3030-3066-2e65-3233-May 6 05:21:25 2013 Auto(C)



7266-6163-6533 3030-3066-2e65-3230-May 6 05:22:50 2013 Auto(C)



7266-6163-6533 3030-6530-2e66-6330-May 6 05:23:15 2013 Auto(C)



7266-6163-6531 3030-6530-2e66-6330-May 6 05:24:10 2013 Auto(C)




3.Telnet to from Switch A.

<SwitchA> telnet192.168.2.2

4.Enter username marketand password build22345 as prompted. (Details notshown.)

You are logged in to Switch D or Switch E.

Example: Using an HTTP server and Tclscripts for automatic configuration


As shown in Figure 3, SwitchA does not have a configuration file.

Configure the servers so Switch A canobtain a Tcl script to complete the following configuration tasks:

·Enable the administrator to Telnet to Switch Ato manage Switch A.

·Require the administrator to enter the correctusername and password at login.

Figure 3 Network diagram

Support - 11-Automatic configuration- H3C (5)


1.Configure the DHCP server:

# Enable DHCP.

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] dhcp enable

# Configure address pool 1 to assign IPaddresses on the subnet to clients.

[DeviceA] dhcp server ip-pool 1

[DeviceA-dhcp-pool-1] network192.168.1.0 24

# Specify the URL of the script file forthe clients.


2.Configure the HTTP server:

# Create a configuration file named device.tcl onthe HTTP server.


telnet server enable

local-user user

password simple hello22345

service-type telnet


user-interface vty 0 63

authentication-mode scheme

user-role network-admin


interface ten-gigabitethernet 3/0/1

port link-mode route

ip address dhcp-alloc


# Start HTTP service software and enableHTTP service. (Details not shown.)

Verifying theconfiguration

1.Power on Switch A.

2.After Switch A starts up, display assignedIP addresses on Device A.

<DeviceA> display dhcpserver ip-in-use

IP address Clientidentifier/ Lease expiration Type

Hardwareaddress Dec 12 17:41:15 2013 Auto(C)



3.Telnet to from Device A.

<DeviceA> telnet192.168.1.2

4.Enter username userand password hello22345 as prompted. (Details notshown.)

You are logged in to Switch A.

Example: Using an HTTP server and Pythonscripts for automatic configuration


As shown in Figure 4, SwitchA does not have a configuration file.

Configure the servers so Switch A canobtain a Python script to complete the following configuration tasks:

·Enable the administrator to Telnet to Switch Ato manage Switch A.

·Require the administrator to enter the correctusername and password at login.

Figure 4 Network diagram

Support - 11-Automatic configuration- H3C (6)


1.Configure the DHCP server:

# Enable DHCP.

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] dhcp enable

# Configure address pool 1 to assign IPaddresses on the subnet to clients.

[DeviceA] dhcp server ip-pool 1

[DeviceA-dhcp-pool-1] network192.168.1.0 24

# Specify the URL of the script file forthe clients.


2.Configure the HTTP server:

# Create a configuration file named on theHTTP server.


import plathformtools

plathformtools.CLI(‘system-view;telnet server enable ;local-user user ;password simple hello22345 ;service-typetelnet ;quit ;user-interface vty 0 63 ;authentication-mode scheme ;user-role network-admin;quit ;interface ten-gigabitethernet 3/0/1 ;port link-moderoute ;ip address dhcp-alloc ;return’)

# Start HTTP service software and enableHTTP service. (Details not shown.)

Verifying theconfiguration

1.Power on Switch A.

2.After Switch A starts up, display assignedIP addresses on Device A.

<DeviceA> display dhcpserver ip-in-use

IP address Clientidentifier/ Lease expiration Type

Hardwareaddress Dec 12 17:41:15 2013 Auto(C)



3.Telnet to from Device A.

<DeviceA> telnet192.168.1.2

4.Enter username userand password hello22345 as prompted. (Details notshown.)

You are logged in to Switch A.

Example: Using an SFTP server forautomatic configuration


As shown in Figure 5, SwitchA automatically obtains and executes a configuration file from the SFTP serverafter it starts up in order to meet the following requirements:

·The network administrator can log in to andcontrol the switch through Telnet.

·Authentication is required for switch login toenhance security.

Figure 5 Networkdiagram

Support - 11-Automatic configuration- H3C (7)


1.Configure the DHCP server:

# Enable DHCP, create DHCP address pool 1, and specifyprimary subnet for dynamic allocation in the address pool.

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] dhcp enable

[DeviceA] dhcp server ip-pool 1

[DeviceA-dhcp-pool-1] network192.168.1.0 24

# Specify the URL of the configurationfile. The username and password must be the same as those on the SFTP server.

[DeviceA-dhcp-pool-1]bootfile-name sftp://user%dd:pass@

2.Configure the SFTP server to ensure thatSwitch A can successfully download configuration file device.cfgfrom the SFTP server:

# Create configuration file device.cfg onthe SFTP server. The file contents are as follows:


telnet server enable


local-user user

password simple hello12345

service-type telnet



user-interface vty 0 63

authentication-mode scheme

user-role network-admin



interface ten-gigabitethernet 3/0/1

port link-mode route

ip address dhcp-alloc


# Start the SFTP management software andenable the SFTP service. (Details not shown.)

Verifying the configuration

# Start up Switch A without a startupconfiguration file. After the switch starts up successfully, display bindinginformation about assigned IP addresses on Device A.

<DeviceA> display dhcp serverip-in-use

IP address Client identifier/Lease expiration Type

Hardware address Dec 12 17:41:15 2013 Auto(C)



# On Device A, Telnet to Switch A.

<SwitchA> telnet

# Enter username userand password hello12345. Verify that you can Telnetto Switch A from Device A.

Example: Using an FTP server forautomatic configuration


As shown in Figure 6, SwitchA automatically obtains and executes a configuration file from the FTP serverafter it starts up in order to meet the following requirements:

·The network administrator can log in to and controlthe switch through Telnet.

·Authentication is required for switch login toenhance security.

Figure 6 Network diagram

Support - 11-Automatic configuration- H3C (8)


1.Configure the DHCP server:

# Enable DHCP, create DHCP address pool 1, and specifyprimary subnet for dynamic allocation in the address pool.

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] dhcp enable

[DeviceA] dhcp server ip-pool 1

[DeviceA-dhcp-pool-1] network192.168.1.0 24

# Specify the URL of the configurationfile. The username and password must be the same as those on the FTP server.

[DeviceA-dhcp-pool-1]bootfile-name ftp://user:pass@

2.Configure the FTP server to ensure that SwitchA can successfully download configuration file device.cfgfrom the FTP server:

# Create configuration file device.cfg onthe FTP server. The file contents are as follows:


telnet server enable


local-user user

password simple hello12345

service-type telnet



user-interface vty 0 63

authentication-mode scheme

user-role network-admin



interface ten-gigabitethernet 3/0/1

port link-mode route

ip address dhcp-alloc


# Start the FTP management software andenable the FTP service. (Details not shown.)

Verifying theconfiguration

# Start up Switch A without a startupconfiguration file. After the switch starts up successfully, display bindinginformation about assigned IP addresses on Device A.

<DeviceA> display dhcp serverip-in-use

IP address Clientidentifier/ Lease expiration Type

Hardware address Dec 12 17:41:15 2013 Auto(C)



# On Device A, Telnet to Switch A.

<SwitchA> telnet

# Enter username userand password hello12345. Verify that you can Telnetto Switch A from Device A.

Example: Settingup an IRF fabric


As shown in Figure 7,Switch A and Switch B do not have a configuration file.

Configure the servers so the switches canobtain a Python script to complete their respective configurations and form anIRF fabric.

Figure 7 Network diagram

Support - 11-Automatic configuration- H3C (9)


1.Assign IP addresses to the interfaces. Makesure the devices can reach each other. (Details not shown.)

2.Configure the following files on the HTTPserver:




.cfg configuration file

Commands required for IRF setup.

You can create a configuration file by copying and modifying the configuration file of an existing IRF fabric.


Serial numbers of the member switches.

Each SN uniquely identifies a switch.

These SNs will be used for assigning a unique IRF member ID to each member switch.

(Optional.) .ipe or .bin software image file

Software images.

If the member switches are running different software versions, you must prepare the software image file used for software upgrade.

.py Python script file

Python commands that complete the following tasks:

a(Optional.) Verify that the flash memory has sufficient space for the files to be downloaded.

bDownload the configuration file and sn.txt.

c(Optional.) Download the software image file and specify it as the main startup image file.

dResolve sn.txt and assign a unique IRF member ID to each SN.

eSpecify the configuration file as the main next-startup configuration file.

fReboot the member switches.

For more information about Python script configuration, see "Using Python."

The specific content of the Python scriptis as follows (there are simple comments in the Python script, delete thecomments when you use the script):


import comware

from time importstrftime,gmtime,sleep

import signal

import os

import string

import commands

import hashlib




#U can use 2 modes to obtainthe config file

#- 'python_static'

#- 'python_serial_number'

python_config_file_mode ="python_serial_number"

# Configure the minimum remaining space required in the deviceflash for this software upgrade, with the unit in KB.

#Required space to copy configkickstart and system image in KB

required_space = 500000

# Configure the relevantparameters of the HTTP server: username, password,HTTP server IP address, VPN instance name, login timeout time.

#transfer information

username = ""

password = ""

hostname =""

protocol ="http"

vrf = ""

config_timeout = 120

irf_timeout = 120

image_timeout = 2100

# HTTP server download path.

#Server File Path

server_path = ""

# When you download it to the local device,store it in the root directory of the flash.

#Loacl File path

local_path ="flash:/"

# Name of the configuration file after being downloaded to the device.

#Local config name

config_local_name ="startup.cfg"

# Configuration file name on the HTTP server.

#Server config name

config_server_name ="startup.cfg"

# Bootup software package downloaded to the local disk.

#Local boot name

boot_local_name = "xxxx.ipe"

# Bootup software package on the HTTP server.

#Server boot name

boot_server_name ="xxxx.ipe"

# Name of the SN file downloaded to the local disk.

#Local irf name

irf_local_name ="sn.txt"

# SN file name on the HTTP server.

#Server irf name

irf_server_name ="sn.txt"

# Upgrade log file name recorded on the device.

python_log_name = ""

# Log upgrade methodrecorded on the device.

#Write Log File

def write2Log(info):

global python_log_name,local_path

if python_log_name =="":


python_log_name ="%s%s_python_%s_script.log" %(local_path,strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", gmtime()), os.getpid())

except Exception as inst:

print inst

fd = open(python_log_name,"a")




# Obtain the device chassis number and slot number, and thencalculate the local storage path of the file by using the chassis number, slotnumber, and the local_path variable.

# get path according to theChassis and Slot

def getPath(chassisID,slotID):

global local_path

path = ""

obj =comware.get_self_slot()

if (obj[0] == chassisID) and(obj[1] == slotID):

return local_path

if chassisID != -1:

path ="chassis%d#" % chassisID

if slotID != -1:

path ="%sslot%d#%s" %(path, slotID, local_path)

return path

# Delete the file downloaded to the local disk.

#Remove File

def removeFile(filename):



except os.error:


# Calculate the number of files to be deleted from the device.

#Cleanup one device temp files

def cleanDeviceFiles(str,oDevNode):

global config_local_name,boot_local_name, irf_local_name

sFilePath =getPath(oDevNode[0], oDevNode[1])

if str == "error":

removeFile("%s%s" %(sFilePath, config_local_name))

removeFile("%s%s"%(sFilePath, boot_local_name))

removeFile("%s%s"%(sFilePath, irf_local_name))

removeFile("%s%s.md5" %(sFilePath, config_local_name))

removeFile("%s%s.md5" %(sFilePath, boot_local_name))

removeFile("%s%s.md5" %(sFilePath, irf_local_name))

write2Log("\ndelete %sall files\n" %sFilePath)

print "\ndelete %s allfiles" %sFilePath

#Cleanup files

def cleanupFiles(str):

aSlotRange = []

if("get_standby_slot" in dir(comware)):

aSlotRange = aSlotRange +comware.get_standby_slot()


i = 0

while i <len(aSlotRange):

if(aSlotRange[i] != None):


i = i + 1

# Calculate the remaining flashspace.

#Verify if free space isavailable to download config, boot-loader image

def verifyfreespace(path):

global required_space


s = os.statvfs(path)

freespace = (s.f_bavail *s.f_frsize) /1024

write2Log("\nthe %sfree space is %s" %(path, freespace))

print "\n####the %sfree space is %s####" %(path, freespace)

if required_space >freespace:

write2Log("\nthe %sspace is not enough" % path)

print "\n####the %sspace is not enough####" % path

return False

except Exception as inst:

write2Log("\nverify%s free space exception: %s" % (path, inst))

print "\n####verify%s free space exception: %s####" % (path, inst)

return False

return True

# Verify whether the remaining space on the device issufficient.

#verify device freespace

def verifyDeviceFree(obj):

path = getPath(obj[0],obj[1])

if True !=verifyfreespace(path):

return False

return True

#check all mpu free space

def verifyAllFreeSpace():

aSlotRange = []

if("get_standby_slot" in dir(comware)):

aSlotRange = aSlotRange +comware.get_standby_slot()


bAllEnough = True

i = 0

while i <len(aSlotRange):

if(aSlotRange[i] != None)and (True != verifyDeviceFree(aSlotRange[i])):

bAllEnough = False

i = i + 1

return bAllEnough

def doExit(str):

if str =="success":

write2Log("\nThescript is running success!")

print "\n#### Thescript is running success! ####"


comd = "rebootforce"

comware.CLI(comd, False)


if str == "error":

write2Log("\nThescript is running failed!")

print "\n#### Thescript is running failed! ####"





# Obtain the chassis number and slot number during softwareupgrade.

#get Chassis and Slot

def getChassisSlot(style):

if style =="master":

obj =comware.get_self_slot()

if len(obj) <= 0:

write2Log("\nget %schassis and slot failed" % style)

print "\n####get %schassis and slot failed####" % style

return None

return obj

# Obtain the error information returned during softwarepackage startup.

#signal terminal handlerfunction

defsig_handler_no_exit(signum, function):

write2Log("\nSIGTERMHandler while configuring boot-loader variables")

print "\n####SIGTERMHandler while configuring boot-loader variables####"

# Error information returned during software upgrade.

#signal terminal handler

def sigterm_handler(signum,function):


print "\n####SIGTERMHandler####"



# Download file from the HTTPserver.

#transfer file

def doCopyFile(src ="", des = "", login_timeout = 10):

global username, password,hostname, protocol, vrf

print "INFO: StartingCopy of %s" % src



obj =comware.Transfer(protocol, hostname, src, des, vrf, login_timeout, username,password)

if obj.get_error() !=None:

write2Log("\ncopy%s failed: %s" % (src, obj.get_error()))

print "\n####copy%s failed: %s####" % (src, obj.get_error())

return False

except Exception as inst:

write2Log("\ncopy %sexception: %s" % (src, inst))

print "\n####copy %sexception: %s####" % (src, inst)

return False

write2Log("\ncopy file%s to %s success" % (src, des))

print "INFO: CompletedCopy of %s" % src

return True

#Get MD5SUM from md5ConfigFile

def getMD5SumGiven(keyword,filename):


file = open(filename,"r")

line = file.readline()

while "" !=line:

if not string.find(line,keyword, 0, len(keyword)):

line =line.split("=")

line = line[1]

line = line.strip()


return line

line = file.readline()


except Exception as inst:

write2Log("\nget %smd5 exception: %s" % (filename, inst))

print "\n####get %smd5 exception: %s####" % (filename, inst)

return ""

#verify MD5SUM of the file

defverifyMD5sumofFile(md5sumgiven, filename):

if md5sumgiven =="":

write2Log("\nverify%s md5 error: the %s md5 file is error" %(filename, filename))

print "\n####verify%s md5 error: the %s md5 file is error####" %(filename, filename)

return False


m = hashlib.md5()

f = open(filename, 'rb')

buffer = 8192

while 1:

chunk =

if not chunk:




md5calculated =m.hexdigest()

except Exception as inst:

write2Log("\nverify%s md5 exception: %s" % (filename, inst))

print "\n####verify%s md5 exception: %s####" % (filename, inst)

return False

if md5sumgiven == md5calculated:

return True

write2Log("\nverify %smd5 error: md5sumgiven is %s filemd5 is %s" %(filename, md5sumgiven,md5calculated))

print "\n####verify %smd5 error: md5sumgiven is %s filemd5 is %s####" %(filename, md5sumgiven,md5calculated)

return False

#Check MD5 file

def checkFile(src, dest):

src = "%s.md5" %src

destmd5 = "%s.md5"% dest

bFlag = doCopyFile(src,destmd5, 120)

if (True == bFlag) and (True== verifyMD5sumofFile(getMD5SumGiven("md5sum", destmd5), dest)):

write2Log("\ncheckFilesuccess: %s" % destmd5)

print"\n####checkFile success: %s####" % destmd5

return True

elif (True != bFlag):

write2Log("\n%s isnot exist! Don't verify the MD5 file!" % destmd5)

print "INFO: %s isnot exist! Don't verify the MD5 file!" % destmd5

return True

return False

#Get config file according tothe mode

def getCfgFileName():

global config_server_name

if (python_config_file_mode== "python_serial_number") and (os.environ.has_key('DEV_SERIAL')):

config_server_name ="%s.cfg" % os.environ['DEV_SERIAL']

return config_server_name


return config_server_name

#copy file to all standby slot

defsyncFileToStandby(sSrcFile, sFileName):


aSlotRange = []

if("get_standby_slot" in dir(comware)):

aSlotRange = aSlotRange+ comware.get_standby_slot()

i = 0

while i <len(aSlotRange):

if(aSlotRange[i] !=None):

sDestFile ="%s%s" %(getPath(aSlotRange[i][0], aSlotRange[i][1]), sFileName)



write2Log("\nsyncfile to standby %s" % (sDestFile))

print "\n####syncfile to standby %s####" % (sDestFile)

i = i + 1

except Exception as inst:

write2Log("\nsyncfile to standby %s exception: %s" % (sSrcFile, inst))

print "\n####syncfile to standby %s exception: %s####" % (sSrcFile, inst)

# Based on the global variables defined at the beginning of thescript, download the startup software package,configuration file, and SN file.

#Procedure to copy config fileusing global information

def copyAndCheckFile(src,dest, timeout):

global server_path,local_path

srcTmp = "%s%s" %(server_path, src)

sDestFile = "%s%s"% (local_path, dest)

if (True ==doCopyFile(srcTmp, sDestFile, timeout)) and (True == checkFile(srcTmp,sDestFile)):

syncFileToStandby(sDestFile, dest)

return True


srcTmp ="%sdefault_%s" %(server_path, src)

if (True == doCopyFile(srcTmp,sDestFile, timeout)) and (True == checkFile(srcTmp, sDestFile)):


return True

return False

# split the Chassis and Slot

defsplitChassisSlot(chassisID, slotID):

chassis_slot = ""

if chassisID != -1:

chassis_slot = "chassis %d" % chassisID

if slotID != -1:

chassis_slot = "%sslot %d" %(chassis_slot, slotID)

return chassis_slot

# Download startup software package from the HTTP server.

def copyBootImage():

global image_timeout,local_path, boot_server_name, boot_local_name

src = "%s" %boot_server_name

return copyAndCheckFile(src,boot_local_name, image_timeout)

# Download configuration file from the HTTP server.

def copyCfgFile():

global config_timeout,local_path, config_local_name

src = "%s" %getCfgFileName()

return copyAndCheckFile(src,config_local_name, config_timeout)

# Download the sn.txt file from the HTTP server.

def copyIrfStack():

global irf_timeout,local_path, irf_local_name, irf_server_name

src = "%s" %irf_server_name

return copyAndCheckFile(src,irf_local_name, config_timeout)

# Execute the boot-loader command to specify the next-bootup main configurationfile.

# Procedure to Install BootImage

def installBoot(chassis_slot,sFile, style):

result = None

write2Log("\ninstall%s%s begin" %(chassis_slot, style))

print "INFO:Install%s%s Start, Please Wait..." %(chassis_slot, style)

comd = "boot-loaderfile %s%s%s" % (sFile, chassis_slot, style)


result = comware.CLI(comd,False)

if result == None:

write2Log("\nboot-loader file %s%s%s failed" % (sFile, chassis_slot,style))

print"\n####boot-loader file %s%s%s failed####" % (sFile, chassis_slot,style)

return False

except Exception as inst:

write2Log("\nboot-loader %s exception: %s" % (sFile, inst))

print"\n####boot-loader %s exception: %s####" % (sFile, inst)

return False

return True

#Procedure to install bootimage

def installBootImage():

global boot_local_name

aSlotRange =[comware.get_self_slot()]

if("get_standby_slot" in dir(comware)):

aSlotRange = aSlotRange +comware.get_standby_slot()

bInstallOk = True

i = 0

while i <len(aSlotRange):

sFile = "%s%s"%(getPath(aSlotRange[0][0], aSlotRange[0][1]), boot_local_name)

if False ==installBoot(splitChassisSlot(aSlotRange[i][0], aSlotRange[i][1]), sFile, "main"):

bInstallOk = False

i = i + 1

return bInstallOk

# Execute the startup saved-configuration command to specify thenext-bootup configuration file.

def startupCfg():

global local_path,config_local_name

result = None

dest = "%s%s"%(local_path, config_local_name)

write2Log("\nstartupsaved-configuration %s begin" %dest)

print "INFO: StartupSaved-configuration Start"

comd = "startupsaved-configuration %s main" % dest


result = comware.CLI(comd,False)

if result == None:

write2Log("\nstartup saved-configuration %s failed" % dest)

print "\n####startupsaved-configuration %s failed####" % dest

return False

except Exception as inst:

write2Log("\nstartup%s exception: %s" % (dest, inst))

print "\n####startup%s exception: %s####" % (dest, inst)

return False

write2Log("\nstartupsaved-configuration %s success" % dest)

print "INFO: CompletedStartup Saved-configuration"

return True

def getIrfCfg(line, num):

line = line.split()

number = None

if 3 == len(line):

number = line[num]

else :

number = None

return number

def getMemberID():

aMemId =comware.get_self_slot()

memId = None

if aMemId[0] == -1 :

memId = aMemId[1]

else :

memId = aMemId[0]

return memId

def getNewMemberID():

global irf_local_name,local_path, env

filename = "%s%s"%(local_path, irf_local_name)

serNum =os.environ['DEV_SERIAL']

print "\n####TestChassis SN or Slot SN %s" % serNum

reNum = None


file = open(filename,"r")

line = file.readline()

while "" !=line:

if (serNum ==getIrfCfg(line, 0)):


reNum =getIrfCfg(line, 2)

return reNum

line = file.readline()


except Exception as inst:

write2Log("\ngetrenumberID exception: %s" % inst)

print "\n####get renumberIDexception: %s####" % inst

write2Log("\nget %srenumberID failed" % filename)

print "\n#### get %srenumberID failed ####" % filename

return reNum

# Check whether the device is in an IRF fabric.

def isIrfDevice():


result =comware.CLI("display irf", False)

if result == None:

return False

except Exception as inst:

return False

return True

# Parse the sn.txt file and use renumber to edit the IRF member ID of the device.

def getIrfComd():

comd = None

newMemberID =getNewMemberID()

aMemId =comware.get_self_slot()

if None == newMemberID:

return None

if False == isIrfDevice():

comd = "system-view ;irf member %s ; chassis convert mode irf" % newMemberID


comd = "system-view ;irf member %s renumber %s" % (getMemberID(), newMemberID)

return comd

def stackIrfCfg():

global env

if (notos.environ.has_key('DEV_SERIAL')):

write2Log("\nenvironvariable 'DEV_SERIAL' is not found!")

print "\n####environvariable 'DEV_SERIAL' is not found!####"

return False

comd = getIrfComd()

if None == comd:

return False

result = None

write2Log("\nstartupstack irf begin")

print "INFO: Startupstack irf Start"


result = comware.CLI(comd,False)

if result == None:

write2Log("\nstartup stack irf failed: %s" % comd)

print"\n####startup stack irf failed: %s####" %comd

return False

except Exception as inst:

write2Log("\nstartupstack irf exception: %s command: %s" % (inst, comd))

print "\n####startupstack irf exception: %s command: %s####" % (inst, comd)

return False

write2Log("\nstartupstack irf success")

print "INFO: CompletedStartup Stack Irf"

return True

#check if all standby slotsare ready

def ifAllStandbyReady():

if(("get_slot_range" in dir(comware)) == False):

return True

aSlotRange =comware.get_slot_range()

bAllReady = True

for i inrange(aSlotRange["MinSlot"], aSlotRange["MaxSlot"]):

oSlotInfo =comware.get_slot_info(i)

if (oSlotInfo != None) and(oSlotInfo["Role"] == "Standby") and(oSlotInfo["Status"] == "Fail"):

bAllReady = False

write2Log("\nSlot%s is not ready!" %i)

print "\n####Slot%s is not ready!####" %i

return bAllReady

#if have any standby slot wasnot ready sleep for waiting

def waitStandbyReady():

while ifAllStandbyReady() ==False:


#python main

#when download file user canstop script



if (True ==verifyAllFreeSpace()) and (True == copyBootImage()) and (True == copyCfgFile())and (True == copyIrfStack()):

#after download file usercan not stop script

signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sig_handler_no_exit)

if (True ==installBootImage()) and (True == startupCfg()) and (True == stackIrfCfg()):



3.Configure Device A as the DHCP server:

# Enable DHCP.

<DeviceA> system-view

[DeviceA] dhcp enable

# Configure address pool 1 to assign IPaddresses on the subnet to clients.

[DeviceA] dhcp server ip-pool 1

[DeviceA-dhcp-pool-1] network192.168.1.0 24

# Specify the URL of the script file forthe clients.


[DeviceA-dhcp-pool-1] quit

# Enable the DHCP server on Ten-GigabitEthernet 3/0/1.

[DeviceA] interface ten-gigabitethernet 3/0/1

[DeviceA-Ten-GigabitEthernet3/0/1] dhcp select server

[DeviceA-Ten-GigabitEthernet3/0/1] quit

4.Power on Switch A and Switch B.

Switch A and Switch B will obtain thePython script file from the DHCP server and execute the script. Aftercompleting the IRF configuration, Switch A and Switch B reboot.

5.After Switch A and Switch B start up again,use a cable to connect Switch A and Switch B through their IRF physical ports.

Switch A and Switch B will elect a mastermember. The subordinate member will reboot to join the IRF fabric.

Verifying theconfiguration

# On Switch A, display IRF member devices.You can also use the display irf command onSwitch B to display IRF member devices.

<Switch A> display irf

MemberID Slot Role PriorityCPU-Mac Description

1 1 Standby 100e0-fc0f-8c02 ---

*+2 1 Master 3000e0-fc0f-8c14 ---


* indicates the device is themaster.

+ indicates the device through whichthe user logs in.

The Bridge MAC of the IRF is:000c-1000-1111

Auto upgrade : yes

Mac persistent : always

Domain ID : 0

Auto merge : yes

The output shows that the switches haveformed an IRF fabric.

Support - 11-Automatic configuration- H3C (2024)


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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.