The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II (2024)

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chaingangsoldier::General Discussion::RP Archive

3 posters

IC/US Champion
The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II (2)
The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II (3)
The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II (4) Number of posts : 666
Age : 30
Location : The Latest Plague.
Registration date : 2009-07-06
Points : 1895

The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II (5)
The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II (6)Subject: The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II (7)Wed Oct 21, 2009 7:09 pm

The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II (8)

The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II (2)

WORD COUNT: 11,200.
Event: CGS Saturday Night Fusion.
Stipulations: Singles Contest. First Pinfall/Submission wins.
Notes: Match was requested via Deathlocke. Return of Caprice.
RP Scene Count: 2.
CGS W/L/D Record: 6/0/0
Power Ten Ranking: 4
Match: Leon Caprice Vs. Kyle Deathlocke.___________________________________________________________________________
|+-===>S.C.E.N.E_O.N.E<===-+|"Oh Grave, Where Is Thy Victory?"

__x|X ||_B.L.O.G _E.N.T.R.Y _IV (4)._||X|x__

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[“Thus he verbalized for every sad inhuman worth..”]
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Salutations all inferior anthropological beings, whom of which currently, at present, do indeed find themselves gazing into a vividly tinted partition, whilst your own individual delicate of facial expressions bear a resemblance to that of thee irritated and wrathful progenies as they endeavour a projectile of frozen liquid (of the water family) towards the absolute direction overhead, aiming (in the most un-thoughtful of manners) to eradicate the great sun that finds itself within the astronomical playground, in which the most basal of us all would identify as the universe, differing on your minds complex and logical bases.

Does any reader, whom has a consistency with my work, have any recollections of my second paragraph statement from our previous week? Yes, no? Well, before any of the sheep out there is what they wish to call their own “reality”, get in an uproar over thy use of the copy and paste effect on the inaugural of this weeks blog… I must appoint you all to my blog from yesterweek, it shall explain all (and then some) for ye’. I can only ponder on how long this introduction can linger as the official before, A) Dying off alike intellectuality all illogical baboons get after reading my blogs. Or, B) catching on. Tis indeed a somewhat tedious question, but most are (whomever stated that questions were the key to unlocking the intellectuality of mankind, is but a pretentious fool in himself).

As of this current laps in time, I am before ye’ all, an ever-so ecstatic human being. For just a few days ago, I myself made my official return to CGS, rejoining my lovely and loving Brotherhood once more. But such in itself, is not the root cause of my being content, oh no no no. You see children, as I did remerge within the threshold of CGS, I was greeted by bandwagon riding, trend hoping, pretentious and irreconcilable newcomers whom hold themselves within high regards, in the most unjust of manners. Attempting to capitalize off of Phil Brookes mass success with the use of turning Straight-Edgeism into a professional wrestling gimmick of sorts; these childish “adversaries” (if one can call them such) turned to be thy first match up. A fool whom wrestles be the name of Derek Levy, would appear to be the leader of his own little group (in which he calls the “Straight-Edge Army”… Catchy, right?) which has “apparently” decided to wage war with CGS in general. But more important and specifically, with myself and the Brotherhood. A grave mistake on the part of these morons, I do in fact realize. It would seem CGS owner Jimmy DeMarco hath been in need as of late. Over and over, time and time again, Derek Levy (The sXe’s ring leader) had been gathering his friends round’, dressing up, and pretending to beat one another senseless in a vain attempt to make it seem like Levy was able to physically assault and harm another being of any form; and this must have been pushing DeMarco’s buttons to an extent, as Levy was pretending to “beat up“ DeMarco himself. When one ponders on the situation long enough, they can come to the same basal understanding and comprehending. Most would be quite insulted if a nardowell of horridly low intellectuality tried to insult (no matter the level of failure it had produced) them. So DeMarco, being of some intellectuality himself, presented the contest of Derek Levy versus myself, Kyle Deathlocke, on thy return to CGS. Wanting nothing more then someone to insinuate the taste of shameful, aching discomfort, in his (far to monotonous) mouth; I was brought forth to do so. The task, job, mission, quest, assignment… Whatever you wish to call it, was indeed a success, as I emerged as the (obvious) victor of the match up. Oh by the way, Jay Brooks was in the match, but no one gives a sh*t bout’ that.

As it would seem though, we here in CGS are apparently at war with the Straight-Edge Army, regardless to the very fact that this little arm of Levy’s has failed to even lift off from the ground, let alone having marched into the heat of battle with the cold of sweat. I am still pondering how one Derek Levy expects this to be a war as his claim to fame remains within stealing the heel-esque CM Punk motives, and persona and… Well, CGS as a whole is NOT a drug infested residence. So to proclaim a war with CGS, makes sense to a degree of zero percent. Even so, if his wittle’ war was to be so, would it not be over as of now? I mean, he may have only (idiotically) declared such less than a week prior but, he was defeated in the ring, via my hands, so wouldn’t that mean that I have won the war for myself? *sigh* I suppose it matters not, as its not even a plausible retrospective of things, this war.

Though, if I may address it once more, the little kiddie skits Levy has been putting on with his buddies is quite an insult to us all. Never before have I been this ashamed to actually somewhat know a man since…. Well, since Leon Caprice and all his Batman-esque fan-fic movies. Oh! Speaking of such a “man(?)”, never in ten-folds of a thousand mythological years will you make a proper assumption as to whom has returned to CGS. Leon Caprice it is. Glorious day of many splendours, is it not? Our favourite once idiotically religious junkie, turned Dark Knight-esque Joker rip-off, hath returned! Why bother even drudging up this insolent little pest you may ask? Well, I, the celebrated splendour of many crowns in wrestling, Kyle Deathlocke, am going to be set into a clashing campaign like confrontation/match-up with one Leon Caprice, at thee next Fusion event. Oh joyous occasion! Oh joyous occasion! Agreed? Agreed!

Thus far, I must admit that I am quite thoroughly enjoying wrestling in this promotion (something I could not seem to do within that land of hacks, known as DXX [aside from Storme that is]). First I get to over through the leader of trendy gimmick stealing in Levy, and now I get to overturn a man, whom I have overturned in the past, in Leon Caprice. Though I did adore, and found grander delight in the Dark Knights Joker character, it would seem you hath taken the position of the Joker Caprice, so I must assume thee positioning of Batman himself in this complex tale of what I can only assume to be drug abuse, that is your revelation of reality. Do I know how you got these scars you may ask? Well thee answer is yes, yes Leon I do know how you obtained said scars… You painted them on with the makeup found backstage. That or you are even more moronic then I thought, and did my job for me. So don’t even try to blame your state on your innocent father (innocent is a term I am throwing onto your father ever so lightly, for all I know he could be as big a f*ckin’ geek as you).

Some may ponder and find themselves unable to comprehend how I ended up being sealed in a match with Mista CapN`Rice. Such deliberating and contemplating , are indeed acceptable and entirely viable. The facts remain that Mista CapN’rice and I wrestle amongst two entirely separate grounds. “I” am simply miles far and beyond his level of wrestling ability (don’t even get me started on the gapping hole between our levels of intellectuality). Its zero (logical) sense as to why and how we were paired up in a contest, so allow me to shed some light on the situation, alike the sun of Re shedding light upon the damned an unforeseen that of which had been cast within the shadows for century upon century. You see children, the match its self is my fault, for I had requested such a contest to be held. I “would” extend my grandest apologies for making you all suffer a form of Caprice-esque lameness, but after the way you f*ckin’ immature brats have treated me (with your unneeded, and unprovoked boos and jeers) I could care less about such, if anything you inferior anthropological begins deserve as much; show you ingrates to jeer my splendour.

Now I am assuming more then less of you are pondering the same exact thing. “But Deathlocke (oh great saviour from the divine above) Leon is a former CGS World Heavyweight Champion, and you aren’t”, though odds are, CapN’Rice himself is most likely thinking such stupidity as to that of you “fans”. Regardless of which of the two illogical are asking and pondering, allow me to answer: *virtual ahem* It matters not! That is all. You see, though CapN’rice was indeed a former World Heavyweight champion here, it matters not if you look further into the facts. Leon LOST the world title belt to my good friend, and partner, Steve Storme, and his reign was anything but glorious, if I am correct, it lasted less than a week (though, I may be mistaken on this, but such is unlikely). As well, I have already defeated CapN’rice… In my f*cking debut in this promotion a few months back: Theory of the Fallen, aka, me and Storme, putting our tag team titles on the line against HavOc, aka, Caprice and Massimy (oh and fun fact for you FMW boys whom have arrived within CGS: Caprice STOLE the tag team name, and much more, from FMW *tsk tsk tsk*). So, to those delusional few, whom for some unbeknownst reason, worry about such being a factor… It is be know means a factor.

Oh Leon, how you hath been missed here in CGS, and it matters not that I myself am only returning to the promotion, for I could feel it within the oh-so vibrant air. The precise moment that I sauntered into the inception, a formidable sense overcame me. That very sense felt oh so esque of Caprice. It was esque of Caprice, may you be the joker, or a blind religious folk, whichever Caprice you were or are planning to act as, was wanted! But on a more serious not, I must ask ye’ Leon. Do the doctors themselves no what’s wrong with you? Perhaps a physiatrist of sorts? I mean, to go from praising whatever form of Raptor Jesus it is you foolishly pray before, to playing dress up with other thiry year old men, and making Batman fan-fics, actually believing that you killed someone… Well Leoy (As your bestest friend Massimy might have said at one time or another), it just aint’ normal, by any standards of the term. While that fool (whom I hope I shut up last week) Derek Levy rants of wellness policies (which by the way Levy, I pass every time), I think a test of mental wellness needs to be placed upon Caprice, though it may sound alike an insult as weak as the sands of Egypt were a burden to the parched, tis the truth. It worries me sometimes. It worries me when I walk into the ring with him… I mean… Like f*cking hell I am going to get ambushed and placed within one of his pathetic Dark Knight fan movies.

And speaking of such! Within the grasp of my free palm, at this very moment is a tape (VHS, yep, I still own one bitches) of something filmed at the date of Friday, July tenth, two thousand nine. And boy oh boy, is it a keeper. For this is, quite honestly, my personal favourite Caprice, Batman video. I mean *tries to stop laughing* when you walk into the bank, and are just all like “This… This is a stick up!” I burst into tears of sheer, pure laughter. I cannot find myself able to contain it sometimes. The mass hilarity it produces (which is by the masses) is far to much. The gods themselves look down and create earthquakes via their belly laughs (Yep, I just insinuated that there were gods… And now there isn’t, funny how that works eh?). Its just the way you enter, so serene, and tranquil. Then, out of the blue, you nervously remove a gun from your pants and (perhaps even more apprehensively) stutter, “claiming” that it’s a stick up. Oh by the way, how is your stutter Leon? “I” think it’s the one thing that held you back from being the next Joker.

But as this pleasurable little work of “art” progresses onwards, things instigate, as an older man arrives on the scene, and… By-God, err…By-Science, he himself has a gun (What a twist!) and a stare down of proportions so colossal that Osiris himself would amble in fear, commences. Leon stutters onward, as this newcomer calmly tells him to (basically and blatantly) get the f*ck out [GTFO!]. Some irrelevant and pointless dialogue occurs at this point, and ends with Leon murmuring something of his own penis being of a larger quantity, fallowed by the Jok… By Caprice’s, signature “Ahhhh HA haaa HAHAHA aaahaahhhh ah ah haaa HAHA”, but that in all honesty, just freaked me out to grand extents. As to why he was comparing his co*ck to that of an old man, is beyond me. But the video in its entirety persists as such. All in all, I would give it a four out of ten. Sorry Caprice, but the acting was horrid, the effects were bad, the scene was far to fake and the dialogue… Well the dialogue just made no sense. Oh how I pray to the (non-existent) Gods that you hath learned how to construct proper sentence, no matter its level of skill.

Leon’s “grand and glorious” return to CGS is not all that has happened though. Oh no no no no no. See, when Leon last fled the promotion for the simple reasoning of being unable to obtain a win (and the blame is partially my fault, and I am willing to take responsibility for it), he had gone over to FMW, the very place were he found and “borrowed” much of the things he brought to CGS. And now that Leon is back, he constructed the thought patterns of perhaps drudging some of his FMW buddies along to attempt and overthrow CGS. The team itself goes by the name of Full Metal Bolton, or Full Metal Battleon (you no, like that online RPG game). I don’t know the exact name, I just know that they stole the first two words from the manga turned anime series Full Metal Alchemist. The group itself comes off as anything but a viable threat if I may be blunt with you moronic children. Its over-infatuated with ex-CGS hacks whom couldn’t seem to cut the slack (that’s a saying, right?) last time round’, and a bunch of self loving, pretentious, nobodies from Full Metal Alchem… Err, Wrestling. The only thing I truly know of this group is that they are going to ruin Protest the Hero. Not only did these basal minded, dither, baboons use a Protest the Hero song, they picked the single (but of course, lets use the most famous one, as we know not of any other) from Fortress, Bloodmeat.. And Bloodmeat is a song that is HORRID to use as a theme song. I don’t know about any real fans of music (or humans with basic logic) but the polyrhythm’s occurring at the introduction of the song, make it impossible to work as an entrance…. I can just imagine these morons trying to keep up. They will looks as ridiculous as when Caprice wrestles, HaHa… Oh wait. In all blatant honesty, I feel that they only, idiotically, chose the song for its ending lyrical passages of “and we will crush them all like vermin”. Whilst such does withhold some ferocity and fear stricken terror within words (Thank you Arif!), its still weak compared to other material on said [f*cking] album. As an example, in the song Bone Marrow, the ending lyrically passage is “If a mortal stands before us, strike him down with slight of hand, and if heaven rides against us, then God himself must be damned”. Now I don’t know about any of you, but we logical folk can quite honestly tell which one fit’s the purpose better. And even son, the science-damn song Bone Marrow fits better as a theme song, as to Bloodmeat. But alas, tis I and Storme’s theme song. Hmm, perhaps in choosing Bloodmeat you wished to begin trying to insult Storme an I? If such is the case… Well, you falter and fail. If not, well then you morons are simply more illogical then I first perceived, and trust me, I didn’t give high standards at first sight.

Their logicality is quite ignominious, if I may be blunt with you, which I shall, for you have no way of stopping me, it is after all my f*cking blog (though these bitches are coming by the numbers nowadays *sigh* just so long as people alike Levy and Caprice reframe from obtaining one, I shall be fine, I suppose). I am unaware if this notion has been brought forth at said interval in time and moment, but regardless of such, I shall present it as so; Does any other find it peculiar that all of these cookie-cutter stables and groups are now coming forth to the helm of the oh so splendour Brotherhood? Not one, but now “two” revolutions (or so they mistakenly claim it to be) are attempting to oppose and overthrow our sovereign (which by the way, is not myth, it has occurred, just look at the fact that we hold every belt within the promotion). I can’t help but admit a giggle or two, even if they are only as slight as the winters bite is gruesome; I mean, here we stand, atop Mt.CGS, with all in the palm of our hands, and suddenly, appearing from what one could only assume to be a mirage covered mist, comes two opposing groups, with separate agendas, but one common goal: Dethrone us. Its been a while (a little far passed a month to be precise) since I have sat on the most glorious throne, with all eyes set on me, locked, and trigger happy, simply awaiting the bloodshed that comes with the blasphemous cleansing within the attempts to overthrow. sad*stic as one my presume this to be, but I quite thoroughly enjoy this. The primary reason remaining within the blatant and obvious, I cannot be defeated. In this sense I resemble Kyle Evers and Steve Storme, whom just so happen to also reside within the Brotherhood, and whilst I am no mathematician, I feel that its very simple calculations to go into the otherwise complex process of determining a result. Unbeatable + Un-defeatable + Unstoppable concludes with the final result of, simply put, the best (basal sounding, I do in fact realise).

Now before we truly do divulge into this weeks coming match up, or anything of real relevance, I would like to just drudge up the little old week we within the Brotherhood had here in CGS. Whilst I haven’t heard at all from Cameron Hayden or Jakob Azazel since returning “home” (if you will), Evers and Storme are two completely separate stories. Last week was, by all means, a perfect week for us. I successfully made my return to CGS, “WTFpwning” [Credit to Evers for such word] Jay Brooks and Derek Levy. And at the same time, Steve Storme was able to get his hands on a little up-and-comer whom goes by the name of Aaron Wolf (relation to that FMW bozo Alistair Wolfe? None… I hope), and Mister Wolf was actually the man whom made it to the finals of the Courage Cup, to face and lose to Evers (Duh.) and surprisingly did better then many would have perceived this new-guy to have done. I myself was a bit surprised, never to the point of fear that Evers would lose, but surprised all the same. I was not taken by surprise however, when Storme defeated Aaron with a blindfold, and two hands tied behind his mother f*cking back (I exaggerate, but of course). This children, whom are horrid with mathematics, marks the Brotherhood as two victories and zero loses said week. This victory (as I may have said) was to be expected, I mean this is Steve Storme, the former CGS World Heavyweight Champion, whom only lost his belt to his team mate Kyle Evers in a match where Storme didn’t even lose. He is the guy whom holds the longest winning streak in CGS history, alike I did in DXX. He has held almost, if not, every belt in this freakin’ company, and is one of the only two Hall of Fame members, so for those who were shocked by his easy victory over Wolf… Shut the f*ck up! Sure, Wolf could SOMEDAY, MAYBE become a big star, perhaps even a viable threat to one of us in the Brotherhood, but said day is far from now, as he is yet to beat one of us, which makes me egger for my match against Wolf, I mean, Evers and Storme have already beaten, let me eradicate him as well.

Moving on to one, God King, in Kyle Evers; his week was just as equally good, as he faced off against…. Uhh, umm… Err.. - p o n d e r s - Well, truth be told, I am unaware of whom Evers “exactly” faced last week. The name of this nobody escapes me at this very moment, but I do know that it twas whomever Storme had faced in the last round of the Bloodshed Cup. So it was, but of course, some talent lacking, no-wrestle skilled, hill billy whom would rather beat himself with barbed wire then wrestle. The match itself was about as notable as this mans unknown name. It was all one sided for the entire, perhaps, nine seconds that it lasted, ending briefly and abruptly when Evers hit the Hollywoodemia (Hurrah for LoveHateHero). Few can last long within a ring with Evers, so the outcome was nothing more than expected. And now children whom are still horridly stupid and cannot do basic mathematics, this would mark the Brotherhood as three victories and zero loses said week. Said week of course being last week. Twas indeed a good week.

I am more then confident in knowing that many of you are pondering on why it is I wished to bring up our awesomeness. And aside from… Well wanting to (what do you plan on doing about said actions?) it was to hype what I feel shall be the, if not at least a nominee for, Match of the Year. As most of you irrational bastards must have retained by this point, Evers and Storme were the winners of the Courage and Bloodshed Cup, thus granting them their respective minor titles, but more importantly, opening the dream gate to a wondrous adventure of true backbreaking showmanship. Being the victors of the Cup, Storme and Evers will now be facing off one on one for the prestigious (now that its out of the hands of someone alike that joke [ha! What a pun] Caprice) World Heavyweight championship belt, in which Evers currently does hold. Finally a main event of proportions so extravagant that I myself can be left in awe (rare, f*ckin’, moment). I can only idly sit back and enjoy said match, as I await my chance… What’s that? Why yes children, yes we are all team members, but you see now kiddies, we are a group of maturity in both personal and intellectual mannerisms. Whilst we are all friends and partners, we do in fact realize that if one of us hold the glorious crown, the others may come after it, and truth be told, better another member then some hack-job that bafoons with intellectuality that reaches f*cking zero could cheer for (I shall assume you didn’t comprehend something as basic as that, and this is why you cheer Caprice).

On said notion, last week in the show opener, a battle royal had occurred, in which the last two remaining would proclaim victory and team with one another to face the Tag Team Heavyweight Champions *cough* me *cough*. The winners of said match were one DXX-migrant, Ryan Black, and Straight-Edge Army dumbass, Hector something-or-another-with-a-Z-that-sounds-quite-Mexican-which-makes-me-think-he-is-Mexican, and in that case should be shipped back, dirty Mexicans. Woops! Was that a hint of racism that was pushing everybody’s buttons? Tis indeed sad, tis indeed sad when something as vain, blinding and meaningless as racism can trigger a negative emotion within someone, I mean really Hector, morons whom are attempting to contemplate my words… I thought we as a society had grown and evolved past being such sensitive twats. Its funny, because I am presuming you all are becoming as angered as when I called Jay Brooks a nigg*r last week. Haha. Regardless, lets not drift astray from said topic at hand this very moment. As I was saying, Hector and Black when said contest, thus earning the right to compete for our (our being the Brotherhood’s) Tag Team titles. But Ryan, being of some intellectuality at least, turnned down the negativity that would come with even teaming with Hector and the rest of the Trend hoping twats, and allowed Hector to pick his tag team partner. S-H-A-Z-A-M, surprise surprise, Hector chose that ever-so unreliable and impudent retard himself, captain trendy kid, Derek Levy. I can only presume that Hector was to busy [insert typical, unfunny, generic, boring hom*osexual joke used by people alike Levy, Caprice ect. Here.]ing to actually get a glimpse of Levy’s match, in which he (oh yes, I have said it a few times) was defeated via me. That would set up this coming weeks match up, Kyle Deathlocke and Steve Storme versus Derek Levy and Hector the Mexictor (Ha? Uhh, yeah, shut the f*ck up, I know that that’s a bad joke, but I bet that your laughing now) correct? Incorrect, which is typical. Already having defeated Levy, whom Is by far the best this “group” has, I wanted something new, and because our Tag Titles are lucky enough to live with the Freebird Rule (Gotta’ love it) I decided to allow Evers to replace me, not as if the outcome was, or has changed by any means. Now in search of an opponent of my own, I pondered on whom I could take on in a wrestling contest. My first though immediately landed upon one Aaron Wolf, as I still crave my turn to “crush him like vermin” (I paraphrase of course). However, at the last blinking moment, who else was to emerge but *drum roll* L e o n C a p r i c e ! Hurrah. Being that wannabe arrogant jerk that he attempts (and fails) to be, Caprice barged into the backstage area of CGS, and made a proclamation, with none of his FMW buddies around. This proclamation (or decree if you will) was that none of us could talk about his previous character acting here in CGS, for it was the past and now is now, and we all HAD to abide to this law. I am but assuming you all can make the proper assumption as to what I then did next. Yep, you are correct (wtf?! that’s f*ckin‘ new) I went to he office of one Jimmy DeMarco and exclaimed that I wished to face CapN’rice. Pondering on whom CapN’rice was, he was reluctant, but after I informed him of such, he allowed said match to be made. After all, he owes me for eradicating that pestering bug Levy (see earlier blog entry).

And this children is where we are left at this very moment in the complex keeping of time in this universe, or what we all perceive to be the basic notion of time in itself. I just thought that you may all enjoy hearing the riveting tale of how the Messiah himself ending up facing a former idiotic religious-men turned Batman character rip-off. At this time, I can only promising to truly tear into this all at a latter time, and trust me, it is indeed a must watcher, or reader, all differing on my mood at said time, for Levy has no say if I blog it up, or go to the ring like a generic cookie cutter wrestler, as I just kicked his ass, as to be as expected as Evers and Stormes victories, as well as future Brotherhood victories.

So to the impudent insolence that is wrestlers alike Leon Caprice, Derek Levy, Alistair Wolfe, Hector Z[insert fake word here] etcetera, all I can plead to you with is, come forth, and falter, alike all whom have come before you. Last week I obliterated the leader of the Straight-Edge Army, and this coming week I get to do likewise to my favourite member of Full Metal. Oh fun, oh fun just like looking at dumbfounded animals traped within a zoo. Speaking of, if I may just say so, when looking at Caprice all I can think to say is… Welcome to the end of the thought process. Though Leon himself may say…

“Ahhhh HA haaa HAHAHA aaahaahhhh ah ah haaa HAHA!”

This Stories Antagonist
- Kyle Deathlocke
Currently Listening To: “In the Name of God“ - Dream Theatre
Current Mood: Impressed.

Last edited by Kyle Deathlocke. on Wed Oct 21, 2009 7:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

IC/US Champion
The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II (11)
The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II (12)
The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II (13) Number of posts : 666
Age : 30
Location : The Latest Plague.
Registration date : 2009-07-06
Points : 1895

The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II (14)
The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II (15)Subject: Re: The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II (16)Wed Oct 21, 2009 7:11 pm

|+-===>S.C.E.N.E_T.W.O<===-+|"This My Friends, Is How You Properly Conduct An Illegality Mannerism."
_____________________________________________________________________________Within the confines a small, darkened room (presumably a bedroom, noted from the bed in said room), a man lay, extending to the height of five feet and eight inches, beneath covers of blanket. His face spoke of restlessness, as it clenched firmly, a grimace of sorts. His fist, though not using much to at all any intentional or conscious strength, firmly gripped the edges of the blankets. An almost remarked breathing pattern came from the mans mouth, soft and gentle, yet agonized to a certain extent. Asleep the man laid until suddenly, a sharp and pierce noise cut its way vibrantly through the room. A noise esque of a buzzing alarm of sorts. Ever so painfully, the man slowly began to open his eyes, a pale blue. The man laid upon his stomach, back to the ceiling, as he simply stared over to the only window; a small window, with shades that were, at this very moment, half opened, allowing a divided array of lines to flutter through the outside, reflecting shadows of the otherwise dim gray sun unto his face. After a few monotonous moments, with the alarm still slitting through the otherwise silent room, the man rolled unto his back, stomach now facing towards the ceiling. Placing his hands together, he forced them back, as a creaking relief was heard, though the sound of it in itself may not sound much at all like a relief. The alarm, still arrogantly shrieking, is on a crusade of sorts to remove this man from his bed. The man, in compliance, sits up. His gaze is blurred, as he has only just awoken from his slumbers. Forming a fist with his hand, he rubs his eyes, slightly murdering nonsensical words, as they walked into his minds complex. After a few more moments, his anger seemed to evolve to a grander extent, as his face, still grimace, clenched harder and the man grabbed through his arm back, smashing into the alarm, breaking it to an extent. The shrieking slowed in its volume, but was still viable. Allowing a sigh to admit itself, the man slowly rolls out of bed, landing upon his feet as he walks over to the alarm, and basally unplugs it. Simple as could be.

The alarm clock was of great annoyance, as it did this action every morning (of course); but at times it seemed as if it was the only thing which would remove the man from his bed. 6:45 was probably not the wisest time to set the alarm clock to, but it was needed if the ever so grievous task that needed to be completed, were to be completed. Walking into the small abundance of space that was within the closest, the man quickly changed unto an outfit, half asses as far as throwing it together goes. The man then remerges, “coming out of the closet” (Ha).

Swaying his head harshly into the right side, then the left, a new crack reliving sound was made, just as his hands had done within the bed moments before. Smucking his top and bottom lips together the man runs both of his hands through his hair. The man walked into the threshold of the doorway, but then turned around, gazing upon his small room. No lights, an older television, two mattress pilled on top one another for a bed, a now slightly broken alarm clock, the shaded window, and a small closet. The man gazes around the entire room, a sinister smile immediately creeping across his lips.

As he began to awake, his bodies joints, and more importantly, his mind mirrored it all. He slowly began to receive his recollections of today’s plans, and what great plans they would be. Weeks and weeks of planning had gone unto these plans, and the man planned on making his plans the most splendour of plans, that plans can be. For this he planned. And nothing and no-ones plans would spoil his own plans. This he would assure. How? He had it all planned.

** ||Unknown Man|| **
“How glorious this shall be. Oh yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!”

This unknown man begins to rub his hands together, in a quite methodical manner, his lips still brimming of a horrendously disturbing slit like smile. Still, smile holding on, hands rubbing, the man began a descent down the horridly long hallway, twist and turns every which way and but. Numerous narrow hallways dwelled within his home. Finally reaching the end of said hallway in which he had chosen to travel amongst, the man quickly passes by the kitchen, swiftly garbing two of two things, one per hand, from counters near each other, but not touching, as to leave a walking space between. Within the firm grasp of his right hand, he had grabbed a bright and magnificently red apple, whilst his left hand not harbingered a hand gun, fully loaded. But of course, the man was smart enough to have previously applied white gloves to his hands, as to not leave any remissions of fingerprints behind. As he began his descent from his front door to stairs, the man placed both the gun and apple into separate pockets, on the inner part of his purple jacket. The bashfully gleaming smile still remaining on his face. Deciding to skip the last few steps, the man hops up, unto the side hand railing, sliding down at a slightly elevated speed, landing upon his feet on the ground; a complete disregard for safety by any means. A quickly executed pace, with a few moments of time, and the man was within a truck, an armoured truck at that. The man looks upon his watch, in which he is wearing, and pouts his lips, as his eyes gaze in an upward direction.

** ||Unknown Man|| **

The man ponders allowed, placing his index finger from his right hand to his bottom lip, on the right sided direction. After a moment or two pass by, the man thrust his hand into an inner pocket of his jacket, and removes a slick and black tainted cellular device. The man admits a slight chuckle, as he, with the flick of a wrist, snaps the device open, as to reveal its true being: a cell phone. He chuckles to himself, as he begins to dial some numbers upon the phone. Elevating said phone to his ear, a man upon the other side can be heard answering with:“Uhh… Heh-heh-heh-heh-heh… Helloooo?”. From hearing the reply, the mans smile once more seeps unto his lips.

- - - -

- henchmen of sorts #1 -
“…*sigh* where the f*ck are they? Didn’t he say that he would arrive at 7:30, sharp!; or am I just conjuring up things in my head?”

- henchmen of sorts #2 -
“While I bet someone like you’d make things up in der head n’ believe it, but he did state ta’ be here at seven sharp. I’m sure he is just runnin’ a bit late is all”

- henchmen of sorts #1 -
“Ya, sure, right, kay’, I understandz’ yeh’, fer-sure, mmhmmm, indeed, sounds bout’ right…”

- henchmen of sorts #2 -
“…. Please, oh please, shut the f*ck up”

The bickering between the two (hench)men is taking place at what would appear to be a royal bank. The stand within opposite sides of the building. Communicating only via walkie-talkies. The two are both dressed in what can only be described as security uniforms, complete with sunglasses and all. The bank, at this time, is quite full, regardless of the time it is in the morning. Both perched in separate corners, they are continuously searching the area, peaking around corners briefly, in search for the unknown man. Suddenly! A bus comes crashing through the side of the bank, simply eradicating the wall before it, as a decent number of people are toppled by said bus, instantly perishing at said, unforeseen action. The people within the bank begin to run in sheer terror, agonizing screams relinquishing from their lungs as they run in a mathematically incorrect order of chaotic measures. The two henchmen, dress as security guards both run into separate points of the building, in the mass hysteria of confusion, fear and chaos. Both hands clenched on their respective guns, they fire, as one by one, people begin to drop, bullets lodged within their flesh, mass pain overcoming them, blood oozing from the open wound. The death toll, now at a more elevated rate, rises until suddenly, a defining blast of great ferocity is heard. The people, brought to great fear turn, quivering before this unknown figure. Even the henchmen are alarmed as they turn to see a man baring a resemblance esque of Steve Storme, dressed to a slightly more ghetto exterior, standing upon a buses hood, a massive gun in hand. A smirk overcomes his face.

-[Massimy Stormireechi]-
“Aight, listen up my bitches. Names Massimy Stormireechi, no relation to Massimo Fedireechi, if that’s what you rasslin’ loven hicks are thinking’. I just wanna make one thing abundantly clear, aight? This…”

- - - -

Moments before the previous events had occurred, the unknown man had continued to drive his armoured van to whatever destination he had previously “planned”. His facial expressions reads that of cool, calm and collected as he gazes upon the simple road ahead of him. Suddenly however, an earth quaking, ground shattering rumble occurs. Slowing his speed down to drastic amounts, the unknown man shuts his eyes somewhat tightly, he braces himself. Mass amounts of terrified shrieks are heard by the man. Quickly the man takes clue as to what could be occurring.

** ||Unknown Man|| **
“No no no no no no NO! Not already, for the love of all that is methodical and divine, not yet. I beg of you whatever one of you gods is the real deal. Pleaseeee….”

The man sustains the “eeee” in the word please that he had pronounced, firmly grasping the sound, dragging it onward. All for the reason that he peeked his eyes down to the clock that was built into the van, choosing it over his own watch this time. As he had feared, the clock read back to him as “7:31”.

** ||Unknown Man|| **
“Dammit to f*ck! I’m late, of course I am! Of course, of course, of course, of course, neveeeer could catch a break during these kinda’ things. But like hell ima’ let my day be ruined by my own nitwits not waiting for me. This… Is MY day for fun dammit!”

With such being said, the man lowers his head slightly, as he crushes his foot upon the gas pedal, using great ferocity. The gas begins to pump in an extreme manner, as he speeds down through the, somewhat busy streets. As he advances his comes to the bank. Twisting the wheel, and slamming of the breaks, the armoured van, in which reads “SWATT” on the sides, slides towards the building. The rubber of the tires, accumulating a great abundance of friction. The fan stops, as the side closet to the bank, almost tips, but falls back towards its normal vehicle structure. The man lets out a sigh of sheer disappointment, as he opens the vans door, and hastily climbs out.

** ||Unknown Man|| **
“Ohh, Stormireechi, what is it you have done this time? Man can’t fallow orders, it’s a real sin, it is.”

Proclaims the man, as he walks around, looking over and reviewing the bus in which Stormireechi had blatantly crashed unto the banks side, diminishing the bricks alike a flame enveloping paper. The man reaches out around the left side of his neck with his right arm, as he scratches, reliving an itch which had begun to bother him. Ash and dust were afloat in the air from the ferocity caused via the crash. It almost made its own, walkthrough-able, wall as vision into the building was little to none.

** ||Unknown Man|| **
“Time to simply clean up his mess I suppose…”

- - - -

Now, with the timeline back to the average time that this particular interval states, the sight is of the inside of the bank. Stormireechi perched on top of the buses hood, a massive gun upon his carrying grasp. He had just utter the words of “this…”. When suddenly, another interruption interferes. From the ash of ruins of the build, caused via Stormireechi, a silhouette appears. As it begins to emerge, it is seen to be the STILL unknown man. One head within his coat he walks forth, cutting into Stomrireechi’s sentence.

** ||Unknown Man|| **
“This?… This is a stick up!”

As he proclaims such, he swiftly retrieves the gun that he had placed within his coats inner pocket earlier. Clutching the trigger, he discharges a warning shot, directly into the ceiling above him. A slight smirk slowly over taking his face as he sees the fear that envelopes the room.

-[Massimy Stormireechi]-
“Ahh! Leoy Jokerice! Buddeh, I was ponderin’ when you would come round’. Though, if I may juss’ say, that warning shot was completely unneeded, I took care of it myself.”

…>|| Leoy Jokerice ||<…
“Wha-what? You ALREADY fired the warning shot? Your kiddin’ me! *SIGH* Well then Massimy, you’re just trying to make me look stupid, aren’t yeah? I mean… Really, in front of all of these people? Gah.. Well, at least I was able to secure my line in which I shall use an abundant of times from this point forward. Just watch it buddy, if you don’t smarten up… I might just snap and shoot you myself…. Like this.”

And by the ending of his sentence, he had lowered his arm. Rather than facing directly upward, alike it had moments before, it now pointed towards the abundance of people whom, at this point, had curled into a small group, backed against the opposite wall. Whilst he faced a different tendency, his gun was still co*cked towards the crowd, and with one slight pull of the trigger, the bullet was launched, as it fired at great speeds into the crowd, slicing through the flesh on the forehead of a man, as the bullet drilled into his skull, forcing the man to collapse, motionless, deceased. Massimy lets a slight clap come forth.

-[Massimy Stormireechi]-
“Hmmm… Twas a nice shot Leoy.”

…>|| Leoy Jokerice ||<…
“Yayayayayaya… Lets just cut the compliment bullsh*t and get down to business, the reason we are here.”

-[Massimy Stormireechi]-
“To kill innocent bystanders so that we ourselves may look cooler and much more ferocious?”

…>|| Leoy Jokerice ||<…
“Hmm… Kay’, the OTHER reason we are here. You know, the lot, the mullah, the green stuff, the, well the money this bank has. You know, the plan.”

Massimy immediately nods, comprehending what it was Jokerice was murmuring and ranting about. Jokerice continues his verge into the building, walking towards the crowd, whom have backed into the wall nearest the back way, in which the money was kept. Fallowing Jokerice, Stormireechi hops from the top of the buses hood, and fallows in the direction that Jokerice has taken. The crowd exasperates. A gasp of sheer fear escaping their mouths, as the two menacing antagonist walk by. The two henchmen stay in the main room with the people, cackling an evil cackle, as rounds of gun fire can be heard, with the screams of the crowd once more making a presence.

Both Stomrireechi and Jokerice, along with the two henchmen, were but the only people operating this crime. All of which was headed via Jokerice (the unknown man from earlier). The two reach a vaulted door. Jokerice ponders on what the next precise and decisive action could and should be. A perfectly calibrated and calculated manuaver needed to be executed at said moment in time. Not a flaw could be made, as from this point in time, imperfection was anything but acceptable.

…>|| Leoy Jokerice ||<…
“I’m thinkin’ we made need to…”

But just as Jokerice, the head honcho of said illegality in operation, was about to give his personal input on the current task brought before them, a blast was heard. And in mere moments, the vaulted door collapsed alike the man whom Jokerice had shot within the temple. Slight smoke became a relevant annoyance, but quickly cleared. A bit off taken by this, Jokerice turned towards Stormireechi, whom was holding the pull-trigger to a now, used, small grenade of sorts.

-[Massimy Stormireechi]-

…>|| Leoy Jokerice ||<…
“*sigh* I can see that.”

-[Massimy Stormireechi]-
“Lets get on with this, my pockets are simply beggin’ to be filled with the joyful abudance of money in this room! Oh yes, yes-M’-indeedy!”

From that moment, the two brisk-fully entered the vault. And the claims of there being an abundance of money was not a myth. The walls were stocked with one hundred dollar bills, tied with others to make piles of tens by thousands. The greed within Stomrireechi’s eyes could do all but contain itself. Rushing around the room, with a sack, Stormireechi begins to pile the money into a bag at immense speed. Jokerice on the other hand, merely lifts one single set of bills, the equivalent of ten thousand dollars. He looks over at Stormireechi, whom at this point, is anything aside from finished.

…>|| Leoy Jokerice ||<…
“I have all the cash that was needed to be collected… Lets go.”

-[Massimy Stormireechi]-
“Wh-what?! All you have is one itsy-bitsy set of cash! f*ck that you freak, ima get all I can!”

…>|| Leoy Jokerice ||<…
“Well *sigh* if such is but your only wish, then I suppose I could make a slight change of plans.”

And with such, Leoy shoves the cash into one of his coats MANY inner pockets, removing his hand gun, in which he had carefully stored in his pocket earlier that morning. Stormireechi turns just in time to see Leoy grasping the gun within his firm grasp, his hand steady, not nervous, not unknowing of his actions, not second guessing, and not regretting. Stormireechi, Leoy’s own partner looks as if to plead, but such is to late. Leoy pulls the trigger, as a bullet sores from the gun, lodging itself into the chest of Massimy, as Massimy himself plummets to the stone cold floor below. Just to make sure his work was not but miscalculated, Leoy quickly drudges towards the fallen adversary of his. Suddenly, a knife slips from the sleeve of Leoy, as, in one quick instant movement, the blades slices across the throat of Massimy. The flesh tearing with ease, as it flaps, blood, at first trickling, but now pouring, from the slit throat. Leoy smiles, as he takes some blood on his glove, and licks it. His face delighted. He stands up, after patting his “partner” on the cheeks, as he descends from the room. On his way back to the main lobby however, he is (unwantingly) greeted by one of his henchmen (number 2 to be exact). The henchmen is simply quivering as he stumble supon his words, tightly gripping the sleeves of Leoy’s coat/jacket.

- henchmen of sorts #2 -
“S-s-s-s-sir! Error error!!”

…>|| Leoy Jokerice ||<…
“Im sorry…. What?”

- henchmen of sorts #2 -
“Henchmen number one! He was shot, dead now! One of our hostages, so to speak, was able to avoid death like the rest of them! He was the only one left but we couldn’t get him, he punched me RIGHT in the kisser, and I feel down, dropping my gun… Th-th-then! Then, he took my gun, charged henchmen number one, and shot him right in the freakin’ face! Whada’ we do?! Whada’ we do?!”

Breaking free of his teary eyed henchmen, Leoy reveals his knife beneath his sleeve once more, as he plunges into deep within the gut of henchmen number two. The henchmen lets out a burst of air, as he is unable to scream, or let any other noise of pain aside from harsh and heavy breathing escape himself. The henchmen heels over, blatantly dying from the massive blow. Leoy lens in, his head resting upon the shoulder of the henchmen, whom is only being held up by the knife Leoy is grasping, in his gut. In a raspy whisper, with slight methodicalness in his tone, Leoy replies back to his henchmen.

…>|| Leoy Jokerice ||<…
“Just take a little nap and… Well, I shall take care of everything. It’ll be okay. Oh, but when you see Stormireechi in the fiery depths of hell, let him know that I shall see him soon and… Well, just simply that I lol’ed at how easy he was to pwn like I did to him. Now then…. Nighty nighty.”

And with such, Leoy removes the knife which is plunged into the henchmen’s gut, letting the unimportant body plummet, crashing to the floor beneath which he stood. He proceeded forward, only to stop and take a quick glance back at the carcass of his now former henchmen. Draped across the floor, in a pool of his own blood. A warm feeling overcame Leoy’s heart. It brought great inner joy to see his day unfold even better then which he had hoped, even if he had been late.

…>|| Leoy Jokerice ||<…
“Now then, just one more to take care of, then I can kick back and relax. Maybe watch seem CGS er’ something.”

A joyous grin had overtaken the face of Jokerice as he descended unto the main room. Within the first few steps, bullets were fired at Jokerice. Using his malevolence speed, he dashed unto a corner, nearly dodging the bullets that had skidded by his flesh. He put the knife back into its holder within his sleeve, as he, once more, removed his gun. Jokerice was using far more caution at this point. He peered the tip of his head slowly around the corner to see whom was there. Just in mere seconds, another round was fired towards him. Though he had only gotten the slightest of looks, he was able to confirm that the only “living” beings left in the room (if not the entire building) was himself, and the man his hysterical henchmen had attempted to describe. A smile overtook the face of Jokerice at the sound of the men speaking back to him, even if the mans tone was simply infuriated.

“You stupid f*cking coward… You stupid god damn mother f*cking coward! Reveal yourself at once!”

…>|| Leoy Jokerice ||<…
“Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk. Now now Dixon, hath your mother not taught you better mannerisms? Profanity is never the answer, never! Take a page from me, hom*ophobia is the way to get a point that your badass across… Or mindless murder, but lets not get into that right now.”

“H-h-How do you know my name? Who are you?!”

…>|| Leoy Jokerice ||<…
“Listen to me Dixion… I-I, don’t want to hurt you, after all, I could never hurt my own family… Son.”

With such said, Dixion is left speechless. Not a word, no matter the level of difficulty it required, could be spoken from his lips. At hearing the sheer silence that had quickly enveloped the room, Leoy raised his hands above his head, as he slowly walked out from the shelter of the corner wall. His head slightly lowered, but still peering towards a currently distraught Dixion. To show his signs of honesty, he dropped his gun to the floor, as he slowly advanced towards Dixion.

“Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wha-What?! N-no… It couldn’t be. Papa, is it truly you. Could it be?!”

Slowly but surely, Dixion lowers his gun. He himself begins to advance towards Leoy, placing his own gun on the ground. As he advances, Leoy embraces Dixion into a firm, loving hug. At first anyways. All of a sudden, Leoy allows his knife to (once more) slip from his jacket sleeve, a trick that has yet to fail. Twisting himself behind Dixion, he holds the razor sharp blade millimetres away from the neck flesh of Dixion. Putting up no fight, simple fear fo rhis life overtaking him, Dixion is helpless. Leoy cackles to a horrifying degree.

…>|| Leoy Jokerice ||<…
“No it can’t be! Are you f*cking stupid or something? You yourself are older then me you fool. See, if I have learned anything in my life, its that every being has one niche in which will over take all other logical senses. Oh how I love the human condition. Ahhhh HA haaa HAHAHA aaahaahhhh ah ah haaa HAHA!”

Jokerice forces Dixion to ever so carefully fallow him, as he scales across the floor, retrieving the gun he had before put down. Checking the current load of ammunition, it still had a good nine or ten rounds left within itself. Leoy smirked. Tears were pouring down the checks of Dixion alike a waterfall in its prime glorious pride. Leoy merely enjoyed the situation more so. Moving back a small bit, he forces Dixion to his knees, hands placed behind his head, as Jokerice ever so quickly ties his hands into a knot, using Dixion own fingers as the knots to hold it in place, as Dixion tries, and fails, to hold back a grimace of extreme pain. Jokerice cackles once more as he walks in front of the completely vulnerable Dixion. He reaches into his coat pocket and removes the glimmering red apple in which he had placed there earlier that morning.

…>|| Leoy Jokerice ||<…
“Listen here Dixion, we are going to play a little game you and I are. See this red apple? I am going to toss it up into the air, your task is to catch it with your mouth and if not, you die. The catch here is, the only plausible way to do so is to break your own jaw, as the apple is far to big in size to fit into a normal mouth.. Scientific fact. Seeing how generous I am, I shall give you ten seconds to prepare for such though… Ready? Go!”

A ten second limit to complete such a grievous, gut-wrenching, hideous task. Ten seconds, and you must shatter your jaw. Horrid and sickly. However, given the current circ*mstances at hand, such is possibly the only way to survive, and, when drudging up the factuality behind it all, is quite generous. Dixion took a few moments to contemplate the entire situation, but feel back into a relevant time. Jokerice was already up to the count of six, if he wanted to live, then the task needed to be completed this very moment. Jokerice continued his count, seven, that’s what he was at. Dixion swallowed. Hard. His throat dry from pure and utter anxiety. Eight. Dixion turned his head to face to the right, tightening and widening up his neck. Nine. He swung full force, lobbing his jaw towards the steel floor. A sickening “crunch” could be distinguished. The jaw structure within Dixion’s mouth simply collapsed. Blood spluttered out from his mouth, cartilage, breaking through the flesh. His jaw hung, over extended and broken, hanging farther then is otherwise able as Dixion himself whimpers, slight vomit forcing itself through his throat, tears overthrowing his primary vision.

…>|| Leoy Jokerice ||<…

And with that, Dixion’s time limit ran dry (and Dixion himself had managed to complete the task in which was his only hope in surviving). Leoy smirked to a certain degree, but this time out of hateful arrogance as to sinister methodicalness. Clutching the apple within his palm, Leoy tosses it up in the air, high within the air. As time in itself seems to almost stand still, Dixion has only one chance, unable to sit up from the pain, and his fingers still (somehow!) tied into knots with themselves (the human abstract indeed). Dixion is barely conscious, but knows he has to survive this. His eyes almost blinded by sheer pain, his mouth and throat almost clogged from the putrid vomit and mass-blood loss, Dixion somehow, at the last millisecond, finds the inner prowess to turn himself over, facing the apple, yet still laying upon the ground. Jokerice’s eyes extend to a wide range of shock, as the apple itself falls directly unto the mouth of Dixion. Dixion whimpers even more, as the thick object plummets unto his broken jaw, inflicting even more pain, if such is plausible. Regardless, he caught the apple. Jokerice suddenly begins to applaud in a slow cliché manner. He walks a complete degree around Dixion before grasping a firm fistful of hair, and forcing Dixion up, as his collapsed jaw dangles, the apple still lodged within his mouth. A sickening smirk, slapped upon Jokerice’s face. He pats Dixion on the jaw line as he backs up carefully, making sure Dixion was still standing upon his knees.

…>|| Leoy Jokerice ||<…
“Well well well, my handicap seems to be quite painful, however you benefited from it. It truly is a shame…That I am simply a sick, prickish lying son of a bitch, eh?”

With that, Leoy’s arm clapsing the gun within his grasp, arises. The trigger co*cked, his finger ready to pull it at any moment. He stalls a bit, simply to soak in the atmosphere, as he takes a massive inhale of the deceased tainted air in the room, almost getting off to it in some mannerism. Dixion is, at thus point, weak. Tears, blood, and vomit stains all over him, an apple firmly lodged within his mouth, his fingers knotted with one another, forcing his arms behind his head. Torture, had made its pandering arrival, and agony was its friend. Leoy soaked in the last few moments of what was to be Dixion’s life as he carefully calibrated the perfect aim. Directly into the apple was the intent. Leoy pulled the trigger, a gaping smile overcoming him as he did so, and the bullet, gaining monuments of ferocity flew the center of the apple, into the back of Dixion’ throat, as blood spluttered out from the back of his head. His body fell backwards. And now? Now Leoy was the only surviving being within the confines of the building. And from such, he snickered. He walked to a body of one of the deceased bystanders, dragging it into the front of Dixion’ own carcass. He put the gun in the bodies hand, and aimed it to fire into the mans head, using the dead bodies own finger to pull the trigger, firing a bullet into the skull. Making the hand firmly grasp the gun, Leoy himself released. Now making it seem as if suicide was done, and that the man was the psychopath. His white gloves insured his safety of being found. The perfect crime. The perfect day. Leoy could hear sirens, thus, he removed a plate from the floor, and crawled into the sewers below, and all that could be heard was…

“Ahhhh HA haaa HAHAHA aaahaahhhh ah ah haaa HAHA!”

- - - -


“Wait wait wait. Let me get this straight, I’m supposed to be the Massimo Fedireechi character?”

“Well to a certain extent, yes. It was primarily based upon yourself Steve, but as an insulting manner to Massimo himself. Its quite genius if you ask me. And trust me, there was no relevance to “your” character dying in this tale.”

“Well I should hope so bitch. All in all it was quite a refitting tale. Though plenty of plot holes can be found, it made absolutely no-sense to any degree, and it seemed as if it was a horrid rip-off of the Jokers part in The Dark Knight…. So I must you though Kyle.”


“Why the f*ck did you just tell me all of that, and in such detail!”

As the viewing of the area itself divulges, Kyle Deathlocke and Steve Storme can be depictured as sitting in a bar, within one of the table booths. Both of the two have beers, and a vegetarian pizza to share. The bar it self is at a mid level for busyness. Kyle himself, had just finished explaining, in detail, the entirety of events that had previously unfolded, though Storme was dumbfounded as to why Kyle had chosen to reveal such, and was in the dark completely about the situation. Deathlocke smiles, a slight chuckle admitting from beneath his breath, but by know means in a co*cky manner.

“Well, I am sure that by now you have taken notice to the oh-so splendour return of one Leon Caprice, in his big-bad group of FMW nitwits, correct?”


“Well, Leon himself made an announcement backstage that known of use where to, by any means, give the mentioning of his “old” self. In a sense, he was banning us from drudging up his horridly hilarious past tenure run in CGS.”

“Ahahahaha. Seriously? What authority does that dumbass think he has? That he is a former CGS World Heavyweight champion? Because that’s not very relevant considering he lost the damn thing to ME, less then a week latter… Six days to be exact. Lets not forget that his past is a gold mine for the “lulz” factor nowadays.”

“Exactly! I am glade to see your logical enough to understand. Well, anyway… I decided because I got my wish granted, to face CapN’rice, I would do a bit of studying, but rather I found myself both facepalming and laughing aloud. I stumbled across a series of his old Batman-Joker fan videos. It was quite hilarious. Anyway, I couldn’t help but pass up the chance to give my own viewing of the events, or at least how they should turn out. I was even kind enough to throw in an abundance of subtle quoting‘s.”

“So that’s what that all was!”


“*sigh* If only Leon himself could have heard such. He would have been burning with his usual dim-witted arrogance, now infatuated by a burning flame of sheer hatred, anger and embarrassment. It was basically one of Caprice’s f*cking illogical fan videos, but better. Shame he shant ever see it.”

A slight malevolence smirk slits its away across the face of Deathlocke. A sinister gleam enveloping the inner-most of his eyes. Storme gives him a peculiar look, unknowing of what it is Kyle is implying by the look. Before answering Steve’s silent asking of questions, Kyle takes a small sip from his beer. He wasn’t usally a drinker, but on this evening, he was in an extremely good mood, and such simply felt like the correct thing to do with a friend.

“Not quite Steve.”

“I’m sorry, what?”

“Well you see, in the midst of watching these hysterical videos, I conjured up the idea to create my own, which was what was just described to you. Thus, I wrote it down and shipped off my writing. And you know what? I was able to come across a small no name, low price company, in which shall turn it into a tiny, little home-made-esque video in itself.”

“So… It’ll be just like Caprice’s old sh*t, only insulting him and his moronicness, and batman-ripping tendencies?”


“Winz. With a Z and everything.”

“I am having this little pile of crap created as we speak this very moment. The entire thing is also going to be shipped to Caprice’s, through CGS. Oh how it shall be great! The entire point of it deriving from exploiting all of his horrid ideas, unbelievable and illogical mannerisms within his old videos, etcetera etcetera. If my time order is correct, it should arrive to him around the time of our match closing. Thus, immediately after I destroy that enigmatic, unrational, pro-idiocy fool, in our “match”, he shall be receiving an interpretation of his own doing. I can only hope that his FMW buddies see it as well.”

“Kyle, you sick son of a bitch.”

“Why thank you Steve…n.”

And with the joke made about Leon’s former partner Massimo conjured up, the two smile an arrogant, co*ckily crafted smile and clank beer bottles together as they drink. And with such, the viewing of this particular, off camera “scene” fades into the dusk of dawn, the epitome of nothingness.

- F.I.N RP -

Leon Caprice
IC/US Champion
The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II (19)
The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II (20)
The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II (21) Number of posts : 585
Age : 33
Location : Halifax, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-12-26
Points : 1314

The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II (22)
The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II (23)Subject: Re: The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II (24)Thu Oct 22, 2009 1:23 am

OOC: Read my Bio, I asked for no references to the old Leon, this style is different. But its not like you're going to change it, but seeing how you spent so much time in my Contract I thought you'd read it...

Anywho, Boo!!

The Omega VIP
The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II (27)
The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II (28)
The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II (29) Number of posts : 3627
Age : 35
Location : Under your bed
Registration date : 2007-11-21
Points : 235

The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II (30)
The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II (31)Subject: Re: The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II (32)Thu Oct 22, 2009 1:48 am

And locked for lack of drama.

The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II (35)

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The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II (36)
The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II (37)Subject: Re: The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II The Storm, Picturesque || Ch.II (38)

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